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Sunday, November 24, 2013

O'Malley Speaking At New Hampshire Dinner

Governor Martin O'Malley is spending the weekend in New Hampshire, where Saturday night he speaks at the annual Jefferson-Jackson Dinner in Manchester.

Officially, O'Malley is campaigning for Democratic candidates in New Hampshire, and talking about his record in Maryland.

"The event is an opportunity to gather with like-minded Democrats and build the Party, but it's also a chance to talk about the better choices we've made in Maryland to educate, innovate, and rebuild a strong and growing middle class," O'Malley wrote in an email to his supporters.

"We have a lot to be proud of in Maryland, and I appreciate the opportunity to share our story while working to re-elect New Hampshire's Governor Maggie Hassan, Senator Jeanne Shaheen, and Democrats up-and-down the ticket," O'Malley added.



  1. "Rebuild a strong and growing middle class" - tell me he's kidding. Really.
    Mr. O'Malley and his kind have been turning the middle class into the poor for over 50 years while lining their own pockets with gold.
    His policies have run businesses out of this state at an alarming rate. The rich are leaving to avoid taxes. Once he hooks people on entitlements they have little motivation to be productive.
    Bottom line is this country is turning to crap because of people like him. And it will continue to decline unless we wake up, and I mean soon, and push for strict term limits, pension reform for elected officials and force them (and all federal workers) to participate in the same health care system as the rest of us.

  2. No doubt traveling at taxpayer expense. An excellent politician, he can lie with a straight face and make it believable.

  3. if we are lucky he will choke on his food.

  4. He, like our current president will be the end of this country...

  5. He has to tell his stories out of sate; nobody here can believe him!

  6. Yes he is traveling at taxpayers expense. Maryland taxpayers! You can bet he is taking advantage of the executive protection privileges as well. You know the ones that he and Anthony Brown accused Doug Gansler of abusing.

  7. He loves Obama care, that's all I need to know. He's a jerk and I would not believe anything he says.

  8. He is preparing to run for.President. he would be worse than the Obamanation. We have to get the liberals out of the executive branch

  9. We have a lot to be proud of here in MD.....O'Malley can't be reelected is about the only thing we have going for us right now!

  10. They can keep him since he's already there. A POS liberal with a purely communist view of how a state should be governed. A true embarrassment to every middle class working man & woman in this state. Maybe he'll wake up one day in Hell for what he's done to our great state but then again even Hell has its standards! He is out of touch with middle class MD and has no idea of what it means to really work everyday just to keep a roof over your head and food on the table. Not my governor and not what the next president should be.


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