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Monday, November 04, 2013

Obamacare's Success In Enrollment Numbers: 6 People By End Of Day One; 248 By Day Two

It is now clear why according to the Obama administration there were no glitches plaguing the Healthcare.gov website administering Obamacare: because a whopping six people managed to sign up on the first day it was launched - the same day the government proudly reported previously it had received 4.7 million unique visitors - a conversion factor of, well, Div/0. By the end of the second day: 248 happy participants in a socialized healthcare ponzi scheme. It is also clear why there was nobody happier than the president when the republican party decided to shut down government on the same day as Obamacare was rolled out: because if public attention had focused on the absolute and now confirmed, disaster that the healthcare law's rollout had been, then everyone, not just the Tea Party, would be demanding a substantial delay in Obamacare.

The enrollment data comes even after the Obama administration has said it cannot provide enrollment figures from HealthCare.gov because it doesn't have the numbers. "We do not have any reliable data around enrollment, which is why we haven't given it to date," Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius told lawmakers on Wednesday. Turns out she did - as Reuters  and ABC report, the documents, which are labeled "war room" notes and appear to be summaries of issues with the problematic website beginning on October 2, indicate a mere six enrollments had occurred by that morning - the day after the website was launched and almost immediately crashed.



  1. You can say or think what you want.
    This is my opinion :
    1.In the past people were hired when they were qualified for a position , of course attitude played a part also.
    2. Minorities , mostly black get first choice because of race.
    Most are way below the level needed for these positions.
    3. This is exactly what is happening in the country , including the new health care problem.
    3. It starts with Obama , who is NOT qualified for this position and I will take it a step further. He isn't qualified to do anything of importance.
    4. His entire staff is a dumb as a brick including all appointed positions.
    5. Most of the human resources positions are held by minorities. Bingo , what's that?
    6. When low level people do high level jobs , what do you get ? You get crap!
    7.It is unfortunate that this has spread through the entire government , the media ( Al Sharpton for example), most non government workers , unions and on and on.
    8. the best example is a Brain Surgeon with a third grade education.
    9. Many minorities who have a degree got it because of race. Some can't even add or spell.
    10.Look around folks we got a real problem.
    11. I see minorities at our local college , most dress like the hood and act the same. never see a book or paper in their hand because they are holding up their pants. We won't want to offend them . Got to educate them so they can figure out how much drugs are worth . Free enterprise system in Salisbury.

  2. Wow-"a whopping six people" enrolled in the Liar in Chief's signature healthcare law which according to him was so popular. No wonder they aren't in any hurry to release numbers. When are more people going to admit he's a failure and a pathological liar. Anyone who continues to support not only him, but also the democrat party as a whole has some serious character flaws themselves. Only people with ZERO integrity stand behind such deceit.

  3. You've hit the nail on it's head 5:26. It all started when liberals decided that everyone "deserves" a college degree. Unless you are a complete imbecile you know that not everyone is capable intellectually of an education on the college level. So what did the liberals do-they dumbed down the standards so it looked like everyone was achieving. This in turn made a degree at any public college/university virtually worthless. Toilet paper has more value. It's gotten to the point that large companies looking to hire are hiring foreign graduates. They are even lobbying the government to make it easier for these foreigners to obtain Visas to come here and work.

  4. If this is the success rate for something that was designed to be good for us I can't wait to see what happens when they try to get us to sign up for something that is bad for us.

  5. ANYONE who ever thought the peon obama could ever do ANYTHING right is a fool. He has NO track record of successes and as a matter of FACT has left a trail of failures his whole entire life. Anyone with an OUNCE of SENSE would be mortified that they were taken it by this ghetto hustler.


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