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Thursday, November 14, 2013

Obama Threatens To Veto Republican Bill That Keeps Obama’s “If You Like It, You Can Keep It” Pledge

We all know Obama was lying when he promised Americans that they could keep their health care plans. We also know that he didn’t mean his halfhearted “apology” for knocking so many Americans off their plans either. Well, in a rare clever political move (Thanks Ron Johnson!), the Republican Party is about to make Obama’s insincerity clear to the world.

The “Keep Your Health Plan Act”, the supposed “shift” on Obamacare, is little more than an elaborate troll. Republicans are simply calling the President’s bluff, codifying his pledge, daring him to veto it. And he will. He has pledged vetoes for similar efforts before. In July when the administration unilaterally delayed the employer mandate by 1 year, the House passed a bill saying exactly that, just to make it legal.

The Senate never took up the bill, so it never got to the President, but he threatened to veto it if it did. Think about that. A President threatening to veto a bill that writes into law something he’s already done with his self-professed executive authority. If more voters had heard of that, the President’s personal favorability ratings might have collapsed much sooner than they did.

GOP leaders know that no more than a few moderate Democrats in the House will support this new “reform” bill, Harry Reid will never let it pass the Senate, and the President will never sign it. But by proposing it they get to look like they’re trying to improve the situation for their constituents and combat the notion that they’re willing to make marginal changes to try to improve the law. But they’ve been trying to do that all along.



  1. How can he veto a law he has passed? This guy is in la-la land.

  2. What a stupid comment. If Obama is impeached we get "Uncle Joe" Biden. Not that's SCARY!

  3. this guy is a real nut case. he's not the king and the insurance cos. can't do what he's telling them to do. he is so clueless it's pathetic. who on earth is "guiding" him at the whitehouse? they are a bunch of amateurs. they are dangerous.

  4. so you would allow obammy to KEEP violating the law, peoples rights, killing people just because you dont want biden in his spot?

    my god Americans are stupid


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