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Saturday, November 02, 2013

Obama Refuses To Speak At 150th Anniversary Of Gettysburg

'This is nothing less than a profile in cowardice': Obama refuses to speak at 150th anniversary of Gettysburg

U.S. President Barack Obama President has snubbed the historic Gettysburg 150th anniversary ceremony on November 19, sending Secretary of the Interior Sally Jewell in his place.


  1. Todays equivalent to Gettysburg would be WW3.That part of history is better off known so it will never be repeated.Rarely would I agree with anything Obama does,but I do agree with his decision not to appear at Gettysburg.Let it remain history and let us learn from our mistakes.

  2. I pray that Obama does not step foot on that sacred ground. He know's there is no Muslim history there and wants no part of it.

  3. send the bum back to kenya.

  4. Well, after all, this isn't his country...

  5. He doesn't have time. He's to busy trying to kick start his own Civil War.

  6. Rumor has it he got the words token and spoken mixed up? F.B.O.

  7. Our ancestors would be turning over in their graves if they knew a Muslim from Kenya was speaking on their behalf.

  8. still shocked of what this guy does and doesn't do? its been 5 years come on now, you should be used to it by now.

  9. I don't think he should be allowed to anyway. That is sacred ground. Only a true American President who has served should be allowed to speak there. I think W needs to head to Gettysburg.


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