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Monday, November 04, 2013

Navy SEALs Ordered To Remove ‘Don’t Tread On Me’ Navy Jack From Uniforms

The Navy Jack is the ‘don’t tread on me’ flag, one that has earned a revered place in America’s naval history and a beloved place in sailor’s hearts, through its use for over two centuries. This symbol of America’s naval ferocity has spanned our country’s entire existence, flying from the masts of the Continental Navy during the war of independence, to today’s War on Terror. In fact, an amendment to the Navy code called SECNAV Instruction 10520.6 clearly states that as of 31 May 2002 all ships are to fly the flag throughout the duration of the War on Terror.



  1. WHO in the F is doing ALL of these Traitorous orders to stir thinks up...LEAVE OUR MILITARY ALONE and go back to screwing up healthcare.

  2. So, what are they going to put in its place? The Al Queda flag?

  3. Obama is trying to take us down folks...

  4. Replace with a rainbow patch with the words, "Let's Just Get Along".

  5. Anonymous said...
    So, what are they going to put in its place? The Al Queda flag?

    November 4, 2013 at 1:47 PM

    Yes and not one you guys is going to do anything about it.

  6. Anonymous said...
    WHO in the F is doing ALL of these Traitorous orders to stir thinks up...LEAVE OUR MILITARY ALONE and go back to screwing up healthcare.

    November 4, 2013 at 12:02 PM

    Hopefully the military will get the balls and take over the Obama Administration like the Military did in Egypt.

  7. Leave it to the tea to ruin another good thing.

  8. Shame what the tea party has done to this great symbol.

  9. The TEA party supports and defends our Constitution and the Bill of Rights, 5:11. Is there another country you would like to move to that more aligns with your beliefs? Well, then, be on your way! Have a nice trip.

  10. My thoughts exactly 4:11. They are sworn to uphold the Constitution and defend against enemies foreign and domestic, are they not?


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