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Sunday, November 10, 2013

‘My Kids Are NOT the Center of My World’: Mom Blasts Modern Parenting

Stephanie Metz, a South Dakota mother of two young boys, is stirring up conversation with a blog post titled, “Why My Kids Are NOT the Center of My World.

In the piece, Metz speaks out against modern parenting and political correctness, writing about an incident involving her son’s pick for show and tell.

“Hendrix was picking out what he wanted to take to school for Show & Tell. He chose a little Imaginext action figure … with the action figure comes a little yellow object […] He gathered the action figure … and the yellow drill and proudly told me he’d chosen that for Show & Tell. Then you could see him thinking. And he promptly changed his mind and said to me, ‘You know what, I better not take this. My teacher will probably think it’s a gun, and then I’ll get in trouble,’” Metz writes. 



  1. She is totally correct. My children all play with toys guns as I did as a child as well.

  2. Lol!! Her next piece may be titled "How did my kids end up in prison?", or maybe, "My kids are grown and never come to visit!", or "Why I had kids? Who knows?". Or maybe the kids father writes one, titled "My wife isn't the center of my life. Why should she be?".....Probably the biggest problem we have is the "ME ME ME, it's ALL about ME" generation of imbeciles. The cities (and apparently a lot of towns, too) are full of them.

  3. Didn't take your meds again Imclain?

  4. That's obamas peeps Permament statement

  5. POS non parent sounds like oba phone people.

  6. No, but your momma is bringing to me later tonight. I have something for her, too.

  7. How exactly does the title fit the story?

  8. The narcissistic spoiled person that imclain is proves that you never know what you'll end up with. At the same time he is crying me me me he is showing the world the same as which he despises. If he didn't need so much attention he wouldn't make such a big deal (in previous posts) about signing his/her name. WHAT A FLIP-FLOP ARTIST!

  9. Looks to me like 100% of the comments at Fox are positive! Hardly "controversial".


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