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Saturday, November 09, 2013

More Liberal Government Employees Allowed To Police Board Of Education

If you want to run for your local school board or town planning board, now you can, even if you are a federal employee. You'll no longer violate the Hatch Act, which bans political activity by career feds. That's thanks to a rule made final by the Office of Personnel Management. It applies to D.C., Virginia and Maryland. The rule carries out provisions in the Hatch Act Modernization Act of 2012, which the President signed nearly a year ago. OPM stipulates that to be kosher under the Hatch Act, local elections must be independent of party affiliation.

1 comment:

  1. One problem is employees in supervisory positions using public sourced funding
    to promote their personal liberal agenda. It is indeed rampant in Wicomico county and the state as a whole. Supervisors and directors attend legislative agenda meetings on work time, expense the trips, meals, travel also on the tax payers dime, all to promote liberal causes and issues when it is not even close to being related to the organizations they direct.
    It is fraud and misuse of taxpayer money. They are in direct violation but no one says a word or lifts a finger to call them on it.
    So, public sourced funds go directly to slush funds for progressive liberal democrat causes.


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