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Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Montgomery Co. Council Approves Minimum Wage Hike

ROCKVILLE, Md. - Montgomery County Council has jumped ahead of its neighbors and has voted to raise the minimum wage by more than $4 by 2017.

After an hours-long debate that at times got deeply personal, the council voted 8-1 to approve the increase from the current $7.25 an hour to $11.50 an hour. The law would apply to county employees and private sector workers whose employers operate and do business in the county.

County Executive Ike Leggett is expected to sign the bill.

The minimum wage increase would be phased in so that workers would see an increase to $8.40 an hour by Oct. 1, 2014. The rate would increase again to $9.55 an hour by October 2015, then $10.75 an hour by October 2016 and finally hit the new $11.50 an hour mark by 2017.



  1. Now employers will reduce the number of employees and make the remainder work harder. Meanwhile, they will also be more selective about who they hire - meaning the lesser educated/skilled applicants will stand even less of a chance to be hired.

    Maybe then they'll be willing to do the jobs that are currently taken by the illegal population...and the illegals won't be able to find jobs any more!

    Or....the welfare rolls will simply balloon!

  2. I'm sure some companies will move to another county. Any current employees will then have to drive further to their job. I guess their logic is if they raise the minimum wage they can get them to pay more in taxes. I wonder if they thought about the current county employees that will be making less then the minimum wage and how that will increase the amount the county will have to pay them. What about the other branches of government? Will they move out of Montgomery County to neighboring counties?

  3. A lot of job applications now ask if you receive assistance. If you check yes, and list what you receive, and if you receive cash, the place who hires you gets money from the govt. just for hiring you in hopes that it will be 1 less person on welfare. It does not work unless you can be hired for full time work!

  4. IDK, At this rate, and with the FED printing what, $85B a month in new dollars (Inflation) will these poor suckers be seeing a pay raise or a loss? Probably a loss in my book.

  5. Morons ..democrats the experts of finance...we are doomed.... i gotta leave md ...next this will be taken up on the state level then we are really gonna pay more

  6. Dems want to end small businesses as we know it.


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