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Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Md.’s Only Ski Resort Opening Friday

MCHENRY, Md. — The Wisp ski resort in far western Maryland says it will open Friday, thanks to an early snowstorm.

The resort announced the unusually early opening Tuesday after the National Weather Service forecast up to 9 inches of snow in the region by Thursday morning.

Last year, Wisp opened Dec. 15. 



  1. Yes!!!!!!! Bring on the ski season!!!!!

  2. But, but, but what about global warming?

  3. global warming does not mean it is not cold in cold regions. It means the globe is warming, not turning into a tropic.

    Read something.

  4. 1:06, I did read something. First, there was the Ice Age. Then there is now.

    And Man had nothing to do with that.


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