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Sunday, November 10, 2013

Maryland Man Shoots Home Intruder: Charged With Murder

“Why didn’t you call 911?” This is the only argument the State of Maryland has against Matthew Pinkerton. Matt is a Technical Sergeant in the U.S. Air Force. He shot and killed a home intruder by the name of Kendall Green, just before 2 a.m. on September 15, 2013 in the town of Glen Burnie, Maryland.

As reported by the Capital Gazette:
“Pinkerton shot Green once in the chest from 10 to 15 feet away, but Green continued to advance toward him, his wife Jessica and two friends who were at the house, [Peter] O’Neill (Pinkerton’s attorney) said. That’s when Pinkerton shot him again. He died at the scene.”

The state has charged Matthew Pinkerton with 2nd Degree Murder. Their sole basis for this charge is that he should have called 911. There is no nationwide average response time for a 911 call, however unless they are faster than 1,310 ft/s, there really is no point in calling 911 in the case of a hostile home invasion. While the Assistant State’s Attorney, Glen Neubauer, maintains that he should have called 911, and that even the act of grabbing the gun in the first place is “bizarre behavior in itself,” Pinkerton’s lawyer, Peter O’Neill, said it best when he acknowledged that, “By the time 911 is called, he’s dead.”



  1. What's happened to our castle laws?

  2. This is what you voted for .

  3. Perfect example of the mentality of the liberal MORONS we have in charge of this state.

    I can only hope the folks in Virginia can keep this mentality at bay in today's election. One of the last remaining hopes of a place to escape to.....

  4. Let this man go. BUT, sounds like wife has some "splaining" to do. I doubt Green just flew off the handle because they were just friends.

  5. a phone call isn't going to stop an intruder. I would rather be judged by 12 than carried by 6.

  6. Bizarre behavior huh? Bet that states attorney is strapped, how bizarre is that?

  7. I absolutely love the sensical logic behind this statement!!
    "There is no nationwide average response time for a 911 call, however unless they are faster than 1,310 ft/s, there really is no point in calling 911 in the case of a hostile home invasion."

    I hope he counter sues the states attorney!

  8. I told you all... just saying...

    Next just owning a gun will be illegal...

    Funny how men at 18 are allowed to go to war but can't buy alcohol...

    They train the military men to kill and when one does, and it is legal, thy cry foul...

    Only in maryland and only in this world would you people allow such nonsense...

  9. I would bet a dollar to a doughnut that the DA is a democrat. He would not want to upset O'Malley by doing the right thing. People need to wake up and see what these liberals are doing to this country.

  10. There is definitely more to this story than meets the eye. If you read the entire story it seems more like a love triangle type situation. I can see why the state would push the issue but I have no doubt the defendant will walk. Unfortunately it's going to cost a lot of money to get out of this situation. I hope he leaves his wife when all is said and done. She appears to be the reason the whole incident occurred. She's a married woman and should have never had the deceased "staying" at her family home to begin with. SHE IS TROUBLE!

  11. What I find disturbing is:
    Maryland self defense laws state that one has the “duty to retreat or avoid danger if such means were within his power and consistent with his safety.”
    So when someone breaks down my door, I am supposed to run? I can not protect my family, home, pets or self?
    What happens if they chase me? Can I then shoot them?

    When he shut the door on the guy he was retreating. He took the first step. Once the door is broken in, it's game over. Doesn't appear he had time to pick up the phone and call 911.

  12. Sounds like hubby was feeling less of a man because wife had a squeeze. If the dead guy was a total stranger I could buy the scared story. There was three other people in the home at shooting time. You don't get a free pass for clean up behind Momma.

  13. I would have been embarrassed to have even thought about writing the probable cause statement, much less turn it in to commissioner. This should have been a case that went before the grand jury. Unfortunately on that side of the bay, they may fall for the State's Attorney's claims that a crime was committed.

  14. If this is the complete story in it's entirety something is amiss. Maryland is going to hell in a hand basket. That charge is inane.

  15. Amen 9:48! My point exactly. That's what the prosecution saw. The old saying goes "you might not be able to convict them but you sure can make them spend a lot of money".

  16. THE ENTIRE ST. ATTORNEY SHOULD BE TAKEN OFF TAXPAPERS ROLL. I do not believe a jury will convict him. God bless guns.

  17. Nothing more but another states attorney who wants to show off and make a name for himself because he's got some kind of inferiority complex or something.
    Jury will find this man not guilty.

  18. I don't know the details for certain in this situation but does anyone recall the situation in the past few months in South Baltimore where a neighbor entered a house and killed a husband and wife because of a dispute. They should have called 911 too right? Luckily their toddler was not killed.

  19. It doesn't matter what was or was not going on with the wife...that a$$hole broke the door down (per the article) all bets are off...he was 100% right in shooting that guy.

    1. But wife is still trouble 6:14. If he is acquitted he still needs to dump her.

  20. You people are disgusting. Saying crap about a man and his wife that none of you know, nor know of anything the wife did or didn't do.

    Maryland has always been a f#cked up state, and it's just getting worse as time goes by.

    This just affirms my belief if you kill someone, do not call the police. Call a friend to help get rid of the body, if you can't do it yourself.

    There is no situation so bad that a cop cannot make it worse.

  21. 6:33 You are still assuming that the wife was bumping uglies with the guy that was shot...maybe it is true, maybe not...it is totally possible that the guy was just a whacko and misinterpreted friendship as something more...there are many unbalanced people put there, and he lost it...I had a stalker a number of years ago-I had worked with him at a restaurant and would chat with him...when he started acting strange at work, I left-he then would try to get a job wherever I was working, or right near it...try to get a place to live near where I was, would leave flowers on my doorstep (after he had followed me one night to see where I was living with my boyfriend)...I did not ask for that unwanted attention...thankfully he was eventually arrested on other charges and I was able to drop off his radar...I just picked up my new AR-15 type rifle yesterday--if that situation I was in was today instead of 25 years ago and the guy had burst into my house yesterday, I would have shot his a$$ just like the guy in the story. So don't rush to judge the wife.

  22. I know First-hand what this poor man is going through or is about to go through ---- I shot a man in the leg who was coming at me on a 5foot wide deer path with sticker bushes and thick briars on both sides of me and trail was 20 yrds long behind me (had no place to retreat); ALSO I had called 911 prior to the incident escalating.... when I became fearful of dying or him taking my own loaded gun I pointed my gun at the man and warned him 6 times to stop coming directly at me with his shotgun --- at my trial come to find out this asshole that I shot was NOT even suppose to have a gun because of a prior conviction !!!! --- He has never been charged ... With respect to this case: I feel so sorry for this poor citizen who is now charged... my prayers are with you and your family. As far as Maryland state goes... it is severely "F" ed up; the States Attorneys who entertain this nonsense should be fired and I hope O'malley chokes on a turkey bone ... This is why I am moving....LOL

  23. From what I've read, it sounds like Pinkerton noticed the young man was parked near his home when they returned from a night out. The two had at least one run in before and the police or court got involved. Pinkerton allowed the guy to enter his home and he admitted that he knew the guy wasn't armed. It wasn't Pinkerton in the home all by himself; three other people were inside. Based on the information that's been released, how can any of you suggest that Pinkerton was in fear for his life? He should have called 911 when he arrived home and saw the car in front of his house.

    1. Thank you 10:21!

    2. I haven't seen that anywhere. Perhaps you would like to direct us to where that information is.

  24. How can you tell someone is unarmed when they wearing a hoodie? Just last week in Cumberland MD a dude ran up on his ex gf, who wad at a friends house, and began choking her. She ran inside the house and he kicked in the door one guy tried to throw him out and was stabbed in the chest another guy piled him off and was stabbed in the arm. That was 3 people on the house who had no way to know he was armed with a knife are you telling me that if those people were armed with a gun they shouldn't have fired until they were already being stabbed despite the fact they were being invaded and threatened just because they knew the invader? That is the stupidest thing I have ever heard! Lets see what you would do if someone kicked in your door and you felt threatened whether you knew them or not it doesn't matter the point is that its still a invasion you still feel threatened and you can't assess whether or not they are armed because your not trained to do so. Its not like people who carry weapons are gonna have it in plain site or wear a sign saying armed and dangerous.

  25. You have NO duty to retreat INSIDE your home. Maryland has a castle doctrine. The castle doctrine permits a person who is without fault and is attacked within his dwelling or its curtilage to stand his ground and defend himself, even if the force is at a deadly force level and even if a retreat could be safely accomplished. Gainer v. State, 40 Md. App. 382 (1978). I'm very surprised that the SAO decided to charge when the law is clear. If the only question raised by the State is why he didn't call 911, their case is in serious jeopardy.

  26. There should be protests in front of Neubauer`s home.Not a screaming loud protest,but a silent one. Shame him in front of his neighbors. Protesting peacefully in from of his home is protected by the First Amendment

  27. Read again...individual ended up on porch....thats not in house...maryland castle doctrine covers inside the door....facts dont add up...

  28. Doesn't anyone see Doug Gansler all over this? Gansler IS the States Attorney General. A shooting takes the focus off of his teen underage drinking party that he allowed/condoned. This is the Dems/Libs/Progs doing what they do best, refocusing the sheeple away from issues at hand. WAKE UP!

  29. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Read again...individual ended up on porch....thats not in house...maryland castle doctrine covers inside the door....facts dont add up...

    November 10, 2013 at 8:48 AM

    Two words: Jury Nullification.

  30. This isn't the first time his wife has had an affair. She should be held accountable as well. I do know the family.
    As for his brother, "Mike Pinkerton", he doesn't have one. He has two brothers, one in St. Louis and one in Illinois. Neither named Mike.

    1. You are obviously not a friend of the family and unless you actually witnessed another mans thing in the wife's stuff your comment is irrelevant. You should be ashamed of yourself.

  31. Yet another reason to leave this crappy state! When you can't even exert your right to protect yourself, regardless of any affair or whatever, the guy broke down the door. Game over when he did that! I would have shot his aXX too! Oh wait, I need to hunt down the phone in the dark, take time to unlock it and dial 911 all the while this guy is racing towards me!? Really? The DA is a MORON!The guy should never have been arrested!


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