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Sunday, November 17, 2013

Largest State Employees Union In Maryland To Endorse Anthony Brown For Governor

Maryland Lt. Gov. Anthony G. Brown (D) is set to pick up the endorsement Tuesday of a key state employees union, adding to the labor support of his 2014 gubernatorial bid.

AFSCME Maryland Council 3, which represents about 25,000 state employees and public university employees, plans to announce its backing of Brown at a news conference at noon in Baltimore.

Brown faces Attorney General Douglas F. Gansler (D) and Del. Heather R. Mizeur (D-Montgomery) in the Democratic primary for governor in June. 



  1. I just hope by the 2014 elections, the people who have voted these liberals to office remember that they lost their healthcare because of these morons.

    A half a billion dollars spent on a website that is not only NOT functioning but also a hackers dream to acquire identities to steal.

    They should be ashamed of themselves, apparently they have no shame.

  2. 10:13 I'm sure brown will exempt that union from any health care us commoners have shoved down our throats.

  3. So, we know who the Marxists support

  4. Unions are for people who do not possess the ability to think for themselves.

  5. And a big part of the problem is about four years ago, all state employees were forced to join the union. $17 is deducted from each pay (not by choice) for dues. So, regardless of my political beliefs, these bozos are supposedly representing me. NOT!!

  6. But of course,should'nt have even thought on that one.Money goes to whom kisses ass the best.

  7. My guess is that Brown is your best choice here. He's certainly proven himself in the last few years to be looking out for all the Democratic voter out there! Vote him in!

  8. I like Heather Mizeur! It's about time we elect a woman to be Governor!

  9. >>>He's certainly proven himself in the last few years to be looking out for all the Democratic voter out there!<<< That's a real fine endorsement there, 4:54. Even tho' it seems like it, not everybody in this state is a democrat. Some of us actually work for a living.

  10. Anonymous said...
    And a big part of the problem is about four years ago, all state employees were forced to join the union. $17 is deducted from each pay (not by choice) for dues. So, regardless of my political beliefs, these bozos are supposedly representing me. NOT!!

    Tell them by certified mail that you have political objections to you dues supporting a political agenda you do not believe in...call AFSCME and find out how to do it...I did...and a co-worker of mine went one step further and said it was against his religious beliefs..so now ALL his dues goes to a non-profit..the NRA. It is so funny--they constantly harass him about proving he sent his "donation" in!

  11. All state employees were forced to join a union whether they voted for it or not. I am a paying non member forced to pay union dues because O'Malley made a deal with the unions to have all MD state employees pay.
    They don't represent us, and they steal over 15 dollars per pay period out of my check. We tried to take them to court over this, but were told that under "Fair Share" we must pay regardless!


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