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Friday, November 22, 2013

Kennedy 50 Years Later: Memories Of A Political Writer

I feel compelled to add my own little stream of memory to the flood of recollections surrounding the 50th anniversary of the Kennedy assassination Friday.

Surely many under 55 must marvel at the way their elders hold onto this event and this flawed man. For me, not only was the assassination part of my adolescent formation, but it had a real influence on my involvement in political life. Combined with the writing that I also did as a youth — I won a newspaper writing contest at age 10 or 11 — I can look back and see the beginnings of the meandering line that brought my career to where I am today.

I can remember watching some of the 1956 Democratic convention on black and white TV — or maybe I am remembering the rebroadcasts in later years of that convention when John Kennedy was a serious candidate for vice president.

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  1. I'm truely sick of hearing about this. i didn't care then, and could care less now. it was unfortunate the way he died. but seriously, get over it. he did nothing to help this country. except lead us to viet nam.

    1. you dont know that much as to what was going on Kennedy wanted us out of Viet Nam Johnson is the one that drug us into war there

  2. I too remember where I was at the time of the announcement of his death. I was in 7th period Social Studies and the principal put the intercom next to the radio so we all could hear WHAT A TRADEGY I think a lot of things would have been different had he lived longer.

  3. 1:10 you are clueless.

  4. Rush was talking about it this afternoon.He said that Democrats refuse to admit or accept that a Communist killed Kennedy.That's why Democrats are responsible for the bulk of the conspiracy theories.

  5. 110, listen to his speeches; He was all about God, Country, Constitution, hard work, and freedom. Oh, but you don't care...

    The Communists cared, though, and took him out.

  6. John Kennedy would not be allowed or would want to be a member of this new democratic party.He was for tax cuts for big business and the taxpayers, so much so he proposed these tax cuts in 1962. He was strongly opposed to the creation of any large goverment funded programs. If you left wing radicals do not believe this, listen to an address he gave to a New York audience in 1962 when he proposed these tax cuts. He would much closer to having the views of Ted Cruz then the marist Obama!!

  7. Its sad JFK was assassinated but he was just another scumbag politician like his drunken POS brother Ted


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