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Saturday, November 23, 2013

Just When I Was About To Give Up On Humanity, These 20 People Proved Me Wrong. AWESOME.

If you have ever lost faith in humanity, don’t feel bad. At one time or another, all of us have felt like giving up hope. But these 20 acts of kindness will remind you that YES, there are truly wonderful people out there in the world who want to spread kindness and love. We hope this inspires you to help someone else out in the future.

 A stranger left free lottery tickets for people using the gas pump

This Wendy’s worker saw the man struggling to get to his car in the rain, so went out to help. 


  1. But none of it happened here! DELMARVA is full of a-holes, they would have taken all the lotto ticket, and picked the elderly mans pocket, tortured the rabbit, and you get the rest.

  2. Right by the main door of the Giant, hubby's car wouldn't start. I went with jumpercables in my car & started his car. We were under a lamp so it wasn't too dark. He's 90 & I'm 72. Not one soul offered even a kind word, much less an offer to help. Disappointed, yet glad I'm still able.

  3. 11:41pm Just shut up please. I, myself, have helped many on Delmarva. And, when I was in need of help, many helped me. The people of Delmarva are giving people and caring people. Not sure you are, though.

  4. I agree with the comment posted by Anon 11:41 PM. Delmarva (especially Salisbury) has become a den of foul mouthed, nonsensical, juvenile delinquents being raised by adult delinquents who are financially supported by the generation who now find themselves in their late Seventies and unable to retire and rest. This was not always so; I used to ride my bicycle through the “Church St” neighborhood as a child. The area was safe, kid friendly, and most importantly it was family owned (yes owned, not low income rentals). Landlords have turned our city in to a dump. They have been getting away with this for years and I for one would love to see it stop. Get rid of the ‘Crap” rentals and we will get rid of the “Crap” people who have invaded our area. Do this and our once Delmarvelous part of the country will be in the news for good deeds such as written in this post.

    What a Shame

  5. 11:41 is correct. I moved here from elsewhere and have yet to see what I heard and read about, "Delmarva is so great and friendly". All Ive noticed is the "whats in it for me" attitude that seems to be rampant. Most people here dont even hold doors for people. My evaluation of the area being overrated is correct. There are sprinklings of friendly people but once they realize that you arent a born here resident, their attitude often changes. Sad, because I dont care where you're from.


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