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Friday, November 01, 2013

Judge: Cop Couldn't Have Smelled Pot In Moving Car

Police officers sniffing out burning marijuana while driving around town in their squad cars? Maybe.

Officers smelling small amounts of raw marijuana in vehicles they pass? No way.

"I find it extremely difficult to believe," Circuit Court Judge Marjorie A. Taylor Arrington said Tuesday before ruling police had no legal reason for a traffic stop last year in South Norfolk that yielded a wad of marijuana the size of a pingpong ball.

"This is a case of common sense," she said.



  1. I've got that beat. I was detained and searched at a traffic stop some years ago on the shore because the officer smelled pot. I was driving a convertible! His backup could do nothing but laugh at him.

  2. Sounds like an ignorant judge. How would she know if she hasn't ever patrolled. She probably smells sh*t because we all know where her nose is 100% of the time.

  3. Sounds like the judge used common sense 3:15 sorry you get away with illegal searches around here... Is this mikey

    1. Well you can't smell it if you're doing it 5:56.

  4. Sorry you CAN smell pot on a moving car depending the situation. Stupid freaking lawyer judges.

  5. when I'm dog walking, I can smell regular tobacco in cars passing by. Sticks out like a sore thumb.

  6. lmao at all the PO's writing in. what's the matter judge called one of your peeps out for their bs?
    meanwhile the crack dealers murderers thugs muggers and rapists run wild!
    worthless pos on both sides of the equation!


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