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Wednesday, November 27, 2013

"I Fear For What’s Coming" – 68% Of Americans Believe The Country Is On The Wrong Track

Are you deeply concerned about the future of America? Is something in your gut telling you that our system is fundamentally broken and that the mainstream media is not telling you the truth about what is happening? If so, you are definitely not alone. Right now, there are millions upon millions of Americans that are absolutely horrified as they watch this nation deteriorate. In fact, according to an analysis of recent polling data conducted by Real Clear Politics, approximately 68 percent of all Americans believe that the country is on the wrong track and only 23.5 percent of all Americans believe that the country is on the right track.

And of course our problems did not appear just recently. In fact, many of them are the result of decades of very foolish decisions and they are not going to be fixed easily. Unfortunately, there is very little consensus among Americans about how to fix any of our problems. There is more anger, frustration, hatred and division in the United States today than there has been in decades, and there is very little hope that the great storms that are looming on the horizon will be averted. Those that are wise are preparing for what is coming. Those that are not are going to be absolutely blindsided by what is rapidly approaching.

Once upon a time, America was the wealthiest nation on the entire globe by a huge margin and it had the largest and most thriving middle class the world had ever seen. But now America is drowning in the biggest ocean of red ink in the history of the planet and the middle class is being systematically destroyed.

If you read my articles on a regular basis, you already know all of this. But now there are certain factors that are going to cause the problems of the middle class to greatly accelerate.



  1. Near as I can tell we've been on the wrong track since November of 2000.A continuous downward spiral that accelerated even more after November 2008.

  2. lock and Load folks.. We will run out of money to keep providing all these folks freebies. When the well runs dry they are gonna come looking for what the rest of us have left.

  3. Easy, just look at the leadership, or lack there of.

  4. Been on the wrong track since Clinton.Letting all those tech barrons rip off stock market investors with those fake dot-com businesses.

  5. This has been going on since wilson..actually when the FED WAS formed..ya'll better be ready....McCarthy was right comminist have infiltrated our government they are masters of deceit.domestic enemies are amoug us


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