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Saturday, November 09, 2013

Humane Soc. Head Forced Out Of Post

Following threats of legal action over alleged financial misconduct, long-time Worcester County Humane Society head Kenille Davies will be resigning her post at the end of the month, with sources saying that the entire organization may be compromised by the departure of its founder.

At last Friday’s well-attended Humane Society benefit at Adolfo’s, Davies announced her resignation and, without going into too much detail, the situation surrounding it.

“This is what happens when you get people in … who can afford to pay to get you out,” Davies said.


  1. Amazing article, finally.

    Why is it all falling on her shoulders.

    All the board members, attorneys past and present and auditors are at fault here. What a railroading sham.

    Appalling is the fact that 2 board members are suing everyone else as if they have no responsibility.

    They should be embarrassed to show their faces in public, for doing this to a woman who earned near poverty wages, started a great organization and worked harder in a day than these two ever worked in their life.

    Who are these 2 idiots, someone needs to publicly name them.

    Sheer and utter black mail, and I doubt it is legal. What a fraud.

    culpable -
    deserving blame.
    "sometimes you're just as culpable when you watch something as when you actually participate"

  2. Interesting. I'm not understanding what Davies could have been sued for personally. If it were determined the endowment had to be paid back it would come from WCHS funds. I'm also not understanding how these board members and their lawyer not only ethically, but morally and possibly legally could disregard the will of someone in exchange for Davies resignation.

  3. Forcing this lady out after the many years of DEDICATED SERVICE to the humane shelter is completely stupid. These low life's really thing they are something special when in fact they are nothing more than useless gossips mongers, slanderers, and most vile personalities. They want people to see their names on various boards and community gatherings and enjoy flaunting their so-called names, social standing and what they perceive as their wealth and status. The truth is the community already knows their names, and their family backgrounds, and they have nothing to be proud of. These are the same people who shake your hands then turn around and talk about you. They think they are full of class it is laughable, because they are classless, rude, and poor in spirit.

    It makes no sense to remove this director when she has made this shelter stand heads and shoulders above all the rest in the area. She has given her all to make the shelter the best and to protect the animals. Why remove such a person?

    With her removal, this shelter will become a kill zone and the animals will not be protected.

    These scum, will have blood on their heads and nothing, nothing good will ever come to any of them. Remember karma is a bitch, and if it doesn't come to you, it will to your next generations. That you can count on.

  4. 8:22-maybe they wanted it kept hush hush because it would have depleted shelter funds? They probably thought Kenille was as dishonest as they appear to be and wouldn't say anything about it either but she did the smart thing and went public first.
    Lanny Davis, attorney famous for running interference for clients (Bill Clinton being one) wrote a book called Truth To Tell: Tell It Early, Tell It All, Tell It Yourself.

  5. Ms. Davies got what she had coming to her.

    "It's for the animals." is a bigger, much worse lie than "It's for the children."

    Good riddance to the old biddie!

  6. 8:59-I wish I knew who they were but I'm sure it will come out sooner than later. They are putrid and foul and I wouldn't want the breathe the same air as they do.
    I read on Kenille's Facebook support page that one of these board members houses a few cats at her home and has the shelter pay her electric! What low life trash. I believe I also read this person has a paid position. If this person knew the first thing about shelter operations/standards, etc she would know that you don't do this. If a animal has to be housed off premises for whatever reason and compensation given (short of food and vet bills) it's to a licensed kennel with no conflict involved-such as owed by relative of board member etc.

    Another board member wanted a paid position but Kenille overruled it. I bet that's who will end up with the newly created $50,000 a year president's job. These people aren't worthy enough to lick dog crap off the shoes of Kenille Davies and whomever they are esp the bottomfeeder who takes money from the shelter for her electric bill are in need of a good old dose of public ridicule and humiliation.

  7. 10:23
    Statements like that go to show what a selfish POS you are and more than likely an instigator in this whole mess.

    Your stupidity goes to show you never worked a day in the animal rescue business and never should, because it is about the animals.

    Thank you for showing us what you are really all about.

    Classless Troll

  8. 10:23-Being an old biddie is better than the common white trash that just because she has taken a few cats home has the shelter paying her electric bill.
    Shelters are big on spay/neuter. This sponge's mother should have been spayed thereby preventing the birth of an unwanted sponge. Sponging is generational and learned so I hope the sponge herself hasn't multiplied.
    Disgraceful and there is nothing this sponge could ever say that would make this action excusable.

  9. Puppy Love, we must excuse stupid ignorant people. Those involved in the takeover of the shelter are nothing but a bunch of imbeciles. I can just see how all jazzed up and drooling they must have been when they saw a chance to force Kenille out. They problem is they are ignorant and did the complete opposite of what prudent people capable of running a shelter would have done.
    First thing that should have occurred was to get the public on their side. The shelter will cease to exist without public support something they are too dumb to have considered.


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