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Friday, November 01, 2013

Government May Stop Spying On World Leaders But Not You

On Monday, the Obama administration said it will “review” the NSA practice of spying on friendly world leaders following outrage from Germany and other nations over the practice.

According to the Associated Press, Obama has yet to make a final decision, but “the fact that it is even being considered underscores the level of concern within the administration over the possible damage from the months-long spying scandal — including the most recent disclosure that the National Security Agency was monitoring the communications of German Chancellor Angela Merkel.”



  1. Russia's President Putin has hired Edward Snowden and Germany's Chancellor, Angela Merkel wants to speak with Snowden.

  2. The person in question is a traitor and needs an ounce of lead.

  3. This is exactly why I always refer to "Russia Today" or "RT" for the most accurate international news.Their "in your face" approach regarding newsworthy issues in every country,especially the US,is something to behold.One can find info regarding the US in RT that they will not find in any US news service or publication.

  4. AAAAH, yes. The "person in question" in this instance happens to be Obammma.


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