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Saturday, November 09, 2013

Forget The Redskins, There’s A High School In California With A Mascot That’s At Least As Offensive

Much has been made of the Washington Redskins, with a national campaign dedicated to getting the NFL franchise to change the nickname and the team itself supporting high schools that share the name.

Yet, as offensive as the Redskins name may be, there's a prep mascot in California that is just as offensive, if not even more so.



  1. i LOVE belly dancers.

  2. This is extremely offensive and disrespectful. Not all Arab are terrorist. This is nothing but another form of white racism. Some white folks think it is ok to disrespect other ethnic group culture. Well, it is not.

    1. Bigotry anyone? "This is nothing but another form of white racism. Some white folks think it's okay to disrespect other ethnic group culture."

      Who ever said anything about white folks, oh ye leap frog jumping to conclusions.

      By simply making this statement without any proper evidence to back it up you've just shown yourself to be as prejudice as those you just mentioned. congrats!

  3. The school has used mascot since the 1920s. And to 11:46 maybe not all ARABS are terrorists, but all the terrorists sure seem to be ARAB.

  4. Well, I find you offensive, 11:46. Your entire post is nothing but stereotyping white people and their culture. Clean up your own act before you start judging others.

  5. lmao yeah the irish Italians germans Russians jews brits all had it so much easier! the government was there to right every wrong and hand them loads of freebies when they fell on hard times!
    I think pretty much every white ethnic minority went through the same troubles as they arrived here. Bottom line most worked their way up the social ladder by getting an education and some hard work. They didn't sit around crying for everything free!

  6. 11:46, would you be shocked if I told you the author of this post was from Iran?

  7. Out of respect for the Indians the name should be changed to the Redskin Potatoes. They could have a cute logo that resembles Mr. potato Head but should still leave the feather head dress to honor the Indians and to show that progress has been made.


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