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Sunday, November 03, 2013

Explosive New Report -- Obama Knew Benghazi Would Be Attacked

You have to give it to CBS. On Benghazi, they are the network holding the Obama administration’s feet to the fire. At some point, Americans will have to begin to realize that there is a scandal hiding in all of the BS that the Obama administration has been peddling about the 9-11 Benghazi attack and its aftermath. Just this past weekend, CBS ran an explosive report providing first-hand accounts that the White House and the State Department (headed by Hillary Clinton) knew full well that the Benghazi attack was indeed an al-Qaeda orchestrated attack right from the start. Even more damning – there is new evidence that shows they were expecting this attack for months!



  1. Just wondering what the consequences of this will be.

  2. It's about time that everyone who wishes to appear credible or somewhat informed admits Obama is garbage. He has done nothing more ever in his lifetime than sell gullible people lies. The lies flow out of this man's mouth like nothing we've ever seen before.

  3. Why can we not get this lying Obama guy out of the White House? He is an imposter and a member of the Muslim Brotherhood.

  4. Does anyone still remember who bammy tried to blame for this initially?

  5. I'm embarrassed to be an American.
    Obama is nothing more than a low rent Chicago ghetto thug in a suit.
    The man hides behind women.
    Lois Lerner, Hillary Clinton, Kathleen Sebelius among others.
    You know what they say about men that throw women under the bus in his defense.
    He is seriously psychologically compromised, unstable, vindictive, deceitful and fraudulent.
    He will go down in history with other megalomaniac despots the world has known. Obama is in the same league as Hitler, Stalin, Lenin, Ceausescu, Mussolini and Pol Pot.
    Hopefully he will be stopped before he can do the damage they did.
    Isn't there ONE brave secret service agent or capitol policeman that will end his totalitarian dream?

  6. Nothing will happen because the left will scream "RACIST"...and because he is half black, he will get away with it...political correctness is helping ruin this country. Obama is nothing less than a criminal, and should go to prison.

  7. You are correct 11:36, Obama has an extreme hatred for women. He proved during the campaign that to him they are to be seen as slaves and used by men. He cared more about women's parts than their smarts. He surrounds himself with weak women knowing they will fall on a sword for him.
    I don't believe a word of his background. I think his many many character flaws stem from his own hatred of his mother, who to put it bluntly was nothing more than a runaround, sleeping with whomever gave her a second look and dumped his off with grandparents.
    I think his father is unknown due to her promiscuity. Why else would he have 2 names? Why someone came up with the goofy name for him that they did is queer. Maybe they thought it sounded exotic and fit the story he wished to project.

  8. ust yesterday I was talking to a friend of mines son and he is so defensive when I tell him how Obama has ruined our great country. He is still in make believe world that Obama has been the best thing that ever happened to us and is looking forward to his Obama care and how much he has helped those without insurance to now be able to have insurance……obviously he is one of those in the 41 percent and it makes me sick to my stomach to know there are those like this guy who still can't see what is going on - totally oblivious. GRRRRRRRRRR!

  9. 11:36 left out Susan Rice.

  10. CBS is only coming out with this now because they are being directed to. this should have come out last year when maybe it would have mattered. now it is just too late and it will swept under the rug

  11. Anonymous said...
    Why can we not get this lying Obama guy out of the White House? He is an imposter and a member of the Muslim Brotherhood.

    October 31, 2013 at 10:26 PM

    I agree with you. He is a traitor and deserves an ounce of lead between his bushy eye brows.

  12. Anonymous said...
    Does anyone still remember who bammy tried to blame for this initially?

    October 31, 2013 at 11:15 PM

    Nope(except me) and I bet he is still in jail for his youtube video.

  13. Anonymous said...
    I'm embarrassed to be an American.
    Obama is nothing more than a low rent Chicago ghetto thug in a suit.
    The man hides behind women.
    Lois Lerner, Hillary Clinton, Kathleen Sebelius among others.
    You know what they say about men that throw women under the bus in his defense.
    He is seriously psychologically compromised, unstable, vindictive, deceitful and fraudulent.
    He will go down in history with other megalomaniac despots the world has known. Obama is in the same league as Hitler, Stalin, Lenin, Ceausescu, Mussolini and Pol Pot.
    Hopefully he will be stopped before he can do the damage they did.
    Isn't there ONE brave secret service agent or capitol policeman that will end his totalitarian dream?

    October 31, 2013 at 11:36 PM

    Agreed 100%

  14. 8:25 AM you are correct.

  15. Just like Bush knew the world trade centers would falll. u act like this is something new. politics as we know it


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