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Sunday, November 10, 2013

Don't Forget To Vote Today In Pittsville: UPDATE: Is George Whitehead A Black Panther?

I just received word from a Pittsville resident that George Whitehead is sitting at a table INSIDE the voting area just across from the voting booths. 

Now ANYWHERE else in the state of Maryland the laws are, you must be at least 100 feet from the entrance doors of the building. One has to wonder just how Town Attorney Paul Wilber has their election rules set up.

The election board was called and they recommended they contact the Town about the matter but guess what, the people who answer those kind of questions are the ones in the election. How convenient. 


  1. Can someone tell me how many are on the ballot. Last I heard it was only 4 running. Has that changed? I live in one of the developments in the town and have had no one come to my door or heard about anyone who is running.

  2. Would like to know why George whited is setting in the voting area he is one of the candidate. Don't think that's right.

  3. Thats the Good Ole Boys.

  4. 1:06
    There are 5 people listed on the ballot. The 2 new ones are Rickerts and Smith. Sorry if I spelled her name wrong.

  5. He is probably there on behalf of the firehouse. To let them in and stuff. I'm not saying it is right. Just the excuse they will use to try to justify it.

  6. He's there just to see who is voting, period. If the good ole boyz lose they will know who to target.

  7. Who cares, he bought this election...fair and square!

    And, he'll win, because the good ole boys said so.

  8. if they put Denver back in there after all the possible theft then everyone in town gets what they deserve higher taxes and less services to make up for the missing money
    I think it is so interesting that the missing money and election is kept so quiet except on this website

  9. Go inside take picture and then go to the elec. board and file a complaint

  10. Rules ain't for country folk.

  11. Replies
    1. Not Little. Its his dad. Same name.

  12. 106, I've got an idea... why not go to the polls today, get a ballot, and find out for yourself?

    Isn't that why it's called "Election Day"?

  13. George Whitehead aka Little is a volunteer Farmin so you can't tell him what to do. He be da cheef of da far deparmint an he gonna be da mare of pitsveele.

    1. Whoever you are you are a dumbass. First of all the last name is "Whited" not Whitehead. Second, it is not "Little" that is running for the council... if is hos father. Its amazing how in some families there is a "Jr or Sr." At the end pf a name that some idiots conveniently Overlook to try to make their story sound better. Oh and 'LITTLE" is not the fire chief... Mark Bratten is.

  14. Everyone knows George is an arrogant ass.

  15. Above post...get your facts straight. It's George Whited not Whitedhead. And George Whited lll is known as "Little" as was former fire chief. They are referring to his dad George Whited who is running on the ballot and was there on site. That is in violation of a law that states anyone running must be no closer than 150' from the property elections are being held at. Confusing the 2 is like comparing apples to oranges. Work on getting the facts straight next time.

  16. no this big George the father

  17. Actually I don't know how "Big George" can have the audacity to look anyone in the eyes. I guess ignorance is truly bliss. His son "Little" is one of the best, nicest fellows I've ever met. George the dad "Big George" is one of the rudest, nastest individual I've met.
    It would be fun to have a federal auditor go in and pull the book keeping records, that would make good ole boys turn on each other faster than a rabid dog. If you want to impove the country and put money back in the working mans pockets you start at the lowest level and go from there.

  18. Totally illegal? Botched election? Do -overs?????


  20. Seems everything about this election circles around the firehouse. You have 3 members of the town commission that are firemen. You have a lady that was checking people in that is the wife of one of those firemen that is on the commission. The other lady has a long history with the fd as well. Is the fd now running the town? I sure as hell hope not. There is enough cheating, drinking and lies floating in that department. We don't need an entire town full of it.

    1. I cant agree with the actions of Mr. Whited, however do not assume that everyone in the fire department has the actions you have mentioned... and furthermore, hope your house never catches on fire... wouldn't want the drunk cheating liers to come to your rescue.

  21. Big little or little little? I'm confused.

    1. Its George Whited Jr... aka BIG that is running. George Whited III aka LITTLE is not running for town office.

    2. The dad is whom they are talking about. George senior is locally known as "big". The son is the former chief and a hell of a good guy, he's known as "Little".
      This stems around Big George.

  22. Anom 5:40 there is an audit being done, and costing the Town plenty. Hopefully it will result in charges brought up against the person stealing money. BTW I didnt care that Whited was there at the voting place. He wasnt talking or campaigning as far as I could tell. But if it is illegal for him to be there and officials were contacted, could have bearing on things. He probably should have just stayed away.

  23. Little Big is not breaking the law by sitting in the polling house, unless he is electioneering,or handing out campaign literature within 150 feet of the poll.

  24. Election Law has been violated. This is going to get messy. Technically, this election is null & void under law if even one voter feels intimidated or threatened.

  25. Anonymous said...
    Above post...get your facts straight. It's George Whited not Whitedhead. And George Whited lll is known as "Little" as was former fire chief. They are referring to his dad George Whited who is running on the ballot and was there on site. That is in violation of a law that states anyone running must be no closer than 150' from the property elections are being held at. Confusing the 2 is like comparing apples to oranges. Work on getting the facts straight next time.

    November 5, 2013 at 5:24 PM

    Before running your mouth you should check your facts. It's 100 feet and not 150 feet. DOH!!

  26. Anonymous said...
    Whoever you are you are a dumbass. First of all the last name is "Whited" not Whitehead. Second, it is not "Little" that is running for the council... if is hos father. Its amazing how in some families there is a "Jr or Sr." At the end pf a name that some idiots conveniently Overlook to try to make their story sound better. Oh and 'LITTLE" is not the fire chief... Mark Bratten is.

    November 5, 2013 at 6:29 PM

    Oh yeah that's right. Mark Bratten is the illiterate moron that sounds like a hillbilly and is an embarrassment to all volunteer firefighters in the county. He is even more embarrassing than Busch Beach.

  27. To all you dumb a$$ red neck hillbilly firemen trying to correct me on the distance here is the law. Again it's 100 ft and not 150 ft.

    Maryland law prohibits electioneering within 100 feet of the entrance or exit to a polling place on Election Day. The 100-foot “No Electioneering” zone is measured from the entrance/exit of the building closest to the room in which voting actually takes place. No electioneering means that no canvassing, electioneering, campaigning, or posting of any campaign material is permitted within the zone. "Posting of any campaign material" includes wearing clothing shirt, hat, sticker, or button that indicates support of or opposition to any candidate, question, or political party if worn by any person allowed to remain in the ‘No Electioneering” zone. However, electioneering does not apply to a voter going to vote in his or her polling place. A person on his or her way to vote may wear campaign paraphernalia or carry campaign literature if the voter leaves the zone promptly after voting. (Maryland State Board of Elections Summary Guide to Candidacy and Campaign Finance Laws Chapter 12.6; Md. Ann. Code Art. 33, § 16-206 )

    1. Ok so 100' not 150', now we move on and you win the I am right prize. Guess what? It's still illegal for him to be there today.

  28. Anonymous said...
    Ok so 100' not 150', now we move on and you win the I am right prize. Guess what? It's still illegal for him to be there today.

    November 5, 2013 at 8:36 PM

    The law was just posted. Where did it say it was illegal for him to be there? It doesn't and I am not defending him I am correcting you Pittsville Hillbillies.

  29. Hope national news picks this up.

  30. You all are really arguing 50 feet when the real issue is how "Big" George Whited Jr and Denver Moore are lying,thieving and corrupting this once lovely little town? I agree that Big is a boil on the family name so he deserves all the close inspections and criticism. But let's not forger that Denver Moore has been stealing from this town for years and gotten away with it simply because he smiles in your face while picking your pocket. Both are horrible people...both need to go! Wake up Pittsville, it's past time to clean house.


  31. Yeah 8:22 national news is definitely going to pick up a story about possible election law violations in some backwater hick town where 200 people voted.

  32. 7:04 Sounds like a plot from Deliverance. Dear Pittsville residents.... Squeal piggies!

  33. OMG...People!! This is freaking Pittsville. Not a Race to the White House! Get A Life!

  34. Anonymous said...
    OMG...People!! This is freaking Pittsville. Not a Race to the White House! Get A Life!

    November 6, 2013 at 4:50 PM

    Let me guess you are related to him.

  35. TRAVESTY IN PITTSVILLE, 2013 VERSIONNovember 10, 2013 at 10:34 AM

    This injustice has already been reported to the states atty. of Wicomico county and federal election officials for any election law infractions. Stay tuned for more, state officials very interested as Pittsville received state funding.


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