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Friday, November 01, 2013

Doctors Thought There Was A Second JFK Shooter

Four different emergency room doctors and two medical students confirmed that President John F. Kennedy was shot from the front, according to the new book “We Were There,” a copy of which was obtained by the Washington Examiner’s Paul Bedard Tuesday.

The new revelations cast further doubt on the Warren Report’s official line on the Kennedy assassination, which depicts Soviet sympathizer Lee Harvey Oswald acting alone and shooting Kennedy from behind.

“They were unanimous that the neck wound was an entry wound,” the book’s author Dr. Allen Childs wrote of the doctors who operated on Kennedy at Parkland Memorial Hospital in Dallas.



  1. I watched the tv on that day with shock, then listened to the garbage with the warren report,then to more garbage from ollie stone, and I have been to dealy plaza a dozen times. Enough already. The evidence I have heard and believe, Kennedy is dead, 3 shots could have been fired in 8 seconds, and that several people could have been involved. The opening of some secret files in 2038 might shed some light, but history will always be questioned. If we spent this much time on the truth on current injustices, that time would be spent on what really matters today.

  2. 3:50 Agreed! The past is the past. Use our resources to uncover truths where criminals can be held accountable today.

  3. 3:50 PM

    The murder of a president is important, and it does matter. Yes, 3 shots can be easily fired in 8 seconds, but not necessarily ACCURATELY.

    I don't see where being at the plaza multiple times means anything other than you were there. So what?

    Yes, history will always be questioned in this matter, since there was a coverup. Why else would records be sealed?

    If dealing with the past upsets anyone, no one wants to deal with it, examine it, prove it, the future also will be tainted, affected and enable even more heinous actions, as we are currently seeing from our government on all levels.

    If the time can't be spent of past injustices, how or why should any time be spent on current injustices?

    If nobody cares about the past, then or now, it's safe to assume that will continue to our present and future. Also being seen today regarding government at all levels, and I am including the police.


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