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Saturday, November 02, 2013

Doc Expert Unloads: Obama Forgery Greatest Crime; Bloodless Coup By Communist Party

Following the submission of two affidavits at the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Washington on October 18, The Post & Email contacted the petitioner, Douglas Vogt, to ask him key questions about his claims that the short-form and long-form birth certificates of Barack Hussein Obama are forgeries and that the identity of the forger and other criminal assistants is known.

Vogt is owner of Archive Index Systems, which markets scanners, copiers and document imaging systems. Previous to that, he owned and operated a typesetting business. An accountant by training, Vogt has also worked as a certified public accountant. Vogt has performed exhaustive research and published books onscience and history.

Vogt maintains that the two fraudulent birth certificateswere produced by the Hawaii Department of Health in cooperation with several employees there, including the director, Loretta Fuddy.

The public affidavit, or “Notice,” can be read here: Notice Doug Vogt 10-18-13

A Memorandum of Law accompanying the Notice explaining the need for a second, sealed affidavit is here: Memo Doug Vogt 10-18-13

On Monday, The Post & Email interviewed Montgomery Blair Sibley, who lent his legal expertise to producing the affidavits.

In March, we had spoken with Vogt about his findings to date, at which time he had hinted that he would take action on the forgery in his home state of Washington.



  1. Duh...the hospital he was "born" in wasn't even called the name listed on the birth certificate until a few years AFTER he was born...and where it has father listed--same type of thing--the name of the country is wrong--wasn't called that at the time either. No doubt he is not an American--he himself approved the information paragraph about his that he was born in Kenya in hiss early book. Under the screaming of "racism" nobody dared pursue gathering all the information one normally would in a presidential race.

  2. And Ted Cruz born in Canada of an American mother, same as Obama. As long as one parent is an American citizen there is no question.

  3. So, 12:50, if it is such a non-issue, why all the forgery and deception?


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