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Sunday, November 10, 2013

Delmar Delaware Mayor Houlihan And Council Screw Up Again

I can't believe they did it! They put a price tag on the most precious commodity Delmar has and decided it wasn't worth the money! The Delmar, Delaware Council decided against putting a School Resource Officer, (SRO) at Delmar High School!

Several months ago, Delmar applied for a grant that would help fund an School Resource Officer. The grant would pay 75% of the salary of this SRO over a three year period. The fourth year would be fully funded by the school. The officer would spend 9 months at the school and the summer months patrolling. Funding was discussed. Of the 25% match, the Delmar School district would be responsible for paying 3/4 of the salary. The other 1/4 would be funded by other sources. The Delmar Police Department offered to pay for 33% if Delmar, De and Delmar Maryland would each pay 33%. AND DELMAR, DELAWARE DENIED IT!!

What are they thinking??!!! I know what they are thinking. They now have police officers walking through the school once or twice a day, so why have an officer there full time? The truth of the matter is that police officers didn't have this extra duty until a certain Mayor's children began attending. Pretty convenient that it also helped give them a reason to reject the grant for an SRO! And THIS is your Citizen of the Year?

Again, this is something that the Delmar, Maryland Council supported but couldn't get because Delaware didn't see a need!

When are the people of Delmar, Delaware going to see that their elected officials don't care about them! They obviously don't care about your children! Did they even ask any of those that they represent what THEY wanted? Of course not! To put in any more than one hour a month is too much to ask for that council!

Remember this at the next election! They wouldn't even come up with a few hundred measly dollars for the safety of your children!!


  1. Did you know that there are over ten positions at Delmar high school with annual salaries of over $100,000.00 dollars? They make to much money. If you took
    $5000.00 from each, they could easily afford the SRO officer. I don't agree with the Delmar Mayor , but he may have a point. By the way, there are roughly only 1200 students in the Delmar school district. You do the math.

  2. This is perfectly understandable. Maryland is Cop hungry and Delaware is Cop lean. In the days before modern (quick) transportation, all the individual police departments made sense. Now, you need only feet on the street deployed where it's needed, not the entire staff.

  3. No, but we have a million dollar police station for cops whose only duty is to write tickets on the Delaware side of Rt.13. I would much rather put my money into state police or county sheriffs, not this bunch of bozo's who make Barney Fife look like J Edgar Hoover.

  4. anonymous 8:11, what do the salaries at the school have to do with the police department?

    Look, the Delmar MARYLAND side is constantly acting PROACTIVE. The Delaware side is constantly saying, OK, we're on board and once the financing is necessary they keep breaking their promises and or commitments.

    In the end the Maryland side gets stuck with the bills, including the current police station recently built and Town Hall.

    There are two major issues right now in Delmar. One is heroin and the other is sex offenders. Sure there's burglaries and so forth but in order to curb some of those crime issues you have to address the drugs first. If the Delaware side doesn't become proactive it bleeds over to the Maryland side.

    Anyhow, you get my drift. No one else is out there exposing the TRUTH about Delmar. This is a situation when the Mayor had his children going to private school it wasn't even considered. Once they started attending the public High School it was OK. If the Mayor thinks kids are stupid he's sadly mistaken. A kid can see if a cop car is in the parking lot or not. WHY EVEN TAKE THE RISK FOR $300.00 A YEAR!!!!!! I'LL TELL YOU WHAT HOULIHAN, I'LL PAY THE DIFFERENCE.

  5. Maryland council members work for their people. I'm not sure Delaware works at all. Maybe Maryland would consider paying for the summer months and keep him in Maryland.

  6. Seems to me I read something about Delmar Delaware pulling the safe streets program sometime back because it was not needed anymore, now they will not accept a grant for a SRO. wonder what the crime rate is there? Thats like a open invatation for crime! "Rob us Rob us"!

  7. Cop hungry? Cop lean?
    Its 2013 and you live alongside Salisbury MD which do you want? I bet folks in Salisbury would take extra patrols

  8. 8:27 You are a moron. No matter the transportation, there is a response time. Officers/Deputies/Troopers have court, training busy answering calls and whatever else that ties them up. And agencies are short staffed and regularly operate at minimum manpower. You say put boots on the ground where needed. Can you see into the future and know where they will be needed before the crime occurs? Everyone knows where the open air drug markets are, so that's easy to put patrols there. Do you know where the next burglary, homicide, kidnapping or rape will occur? No you don't. Go to your mailbox and check for your welfare check, because I'm sure you don't work and probably have a record.

  9. Delmar school district has 2 people making over $100,000 supper and the ass. super, thats it. where do you get you info?

    1. Thank you for correcting that dumbass! Thats the problem with blogs (no offense) but you have dumbasses saying dumbass things trying to make others look like dumbasses.

  10. No 9:49 You are wrong, where did YOU get your information?

  11. Why does it matter how much anyone at the school makes? They are paying for the time the cop would be in the school. The town is paying ONLY for the summer months and of that, Delmar, Delaware will pay for less than that! That's the whole point stupid! The school district is pulling their own weight. Maryland pulls its own weight. Shoot, even the cops were going to use one of their accounts to help out. Delaware can't/won't pull their own weight! And you dumb people are bashing the police department when it obviously cares more about the kids than Delaware does!

  12. $14.3 million budget
    $10 million in salaries

    Numbers don't lie!!

  13. You people don't get it do you. The only people not willing to pay their share was Delmar, Delaware. It's pretty obvious why though. All of you north of the line are a little slow.

  14. "Anonymous said...
    Delmar school district has 2 people making over $100,000 supper and the ass. super, thats it. where do you get you info?

    November 6, 2013 at 9:49 AM"

    Not sure where you get your info but according to a 2007 Delaware Today Magazine article the principle of Delmar Middle School was making nearly $90,000 a year. Superintendents in this area $135,000. You can bet besides the admins of the district, the principal and all the assistant principles are making if not $100,000 than very close to it but more likely more since Markel has raised salaries.

  15. Citizen of the Year? All I ever saw him do was paint the curb by his church. Tom McGuire painted curbs too. Did he ever get Citizen of the Year? They have more then that in common. McGuire burns houses, Houlihan burns taxpayers.

  16. anonymous 10:54, for what it's worth, McGuire lived on the Maryland side.

  17. Why are you talking about school salaries. They are meeting their obligations which is a lot more then the town council is doing.

  18. True Joe, he did. But I think Citizen of the year is for the whole town, so McGuire would have been eligible for that award. If all it takes is to paint a curb.

  19. 10:59 Because Delmar could afford an SRO officer if salaries were not so high at some positions. Ring makes $170,000.00/year. Phillips makes $120,000.00/year. $120,000.00 to write grants. That's absurd. The money is there, that's all I'm saying.

  20. Yes, 11:10. The money IS there. Follow along here. The grant pays part of a salary. With me so far? The other part gets paid for by other sources. Still hanging on? The school board pays for 9 months of that other part because they officer will be there. Why in the world would they pay for an officer patrolling the streets? They wouldn't! Now here is where it gets tricky, so listen carefully. Of the other three months that the officer would patrol for the TOWN, each side of town would pay a third and the police department (out of the goodness of their heart) pays a third. The only one NOT on board with paying up is Delmar, DELAWARE. Now, do you understand? Or do you need it broken down further?

  21. Exactly, 11:23! So, for a little bit of money, we get an officer when we need it most. During the summer months when all the junkies are walking around trying to give our kids their dope. Sounds like sound plan to me!

  22. Joe are you going to be shot if you don't watch your mouth.

  23. Yeah, dope as in heroin. Not just weed like back in Allen Littleton's day. Little bit of pot never hurt nobody did it Allen? (wink wink). We all know why he don't like cops!

  24. anonymous 11:44, Just be careful and make sure you shoot me dead because I will return fire and I'm one hell of a shot, even under pressure.

  25. Joe we both know we don't even own a gun.

  26. anonymous 11:49, do you even know how to write? Try me out for size and let's just see how it ends.

  27. Shot for what? Letting the public know what's going on? I appreciate it because I had no idea and I live in Delmar!

  28. Albero trying to be Mr. tough guy again. When I grow up, I hope I'm as tough as you Albero.

  29. 11:49 must be from the Delaware side of town.

  30. anonymous 11:58, LMAO! I stand up to a guy who refers to himself as anonymous and now I'm a tough guy. I defend my position to someone who implies I will be shot and now I'm a tough guy.

    No you pansy ass little girl, I'm a man who is not afraid of a public official hiding behind anonymous. I'm a guy who has more friends in that Police Department than you'll ever dream of.

    Don't wake up from that dream your experiencing because every one knows I use my name and I don't hide behind anonymous. Therefore you'll never grow up to be anything like me.

  31. 11:58. You totally off your meds today?

  32. William Hardin 100 S. Pennsylvania Avenue Delmar, MD 21875 Maryland 410.896.2777November 6, 2013 at 12:19 PM

    Joe you have my name now.

    Be Careful.

    No one will protect you.

  33. Are you that whacked out attorney?

  34. William Hardin 100 S. Pennsylvania Avenue Delmar, MD 21875 Maryland 410.896.2777November 6, 2013 at 12:34 PM

    No more than you Joseph.

  35. Mr. Harden, (and may I use that term lightly) I am not an attorney, nor have I ever implied of such.

    Considering your past history with me, I believe I'll contact the Delmar Police and let them know of the message you imply. Figures a pansy ass like yourself would imply such a threat, not being man enough to actually follow through. You must be in tight with JR and JT.

  36. TOO FUNNY!

    Ladies & Gentlemen, I was right the first time around on this. The above mentioned William Harden is NOT the person writing the comments. He actually works for the Town of Delmar and the elected official simply copied and pasted his name off the Towns Website and impersonated William. I was right, he's a pansy too afraid to state his real name. Nice Try.

  37. What kind of a person would want to jeopardize someone else's job and reputation just to threaten someone else on a blog? What is wrong with people?

  38. What kind of ridiculous comments are these!
    Everyone should try real hard not to behave as 1st graders. Jeez!

  39. Anytime, Anywhere Joey, Anytime, Anywhere.

  40. Hard to meet the "anytime, anywhere" tough guy when he talks that "anonymous" BS.

  41. Yeah, I'm pretty over the weird comments. I hate that this discussion has digressed to this. I was hoping to have some questions answered. Something along the line of "why"? Perhaps the Delmar Council haa a good reason.

  42. Could we please get answers to some questions related to the reported action of Mayor Houlihan? Was the amount requested from the Delmar side of town really just a few hundred dollars? And was that the total over three years or part of the SRO's weekly or bi-weekly salary? Makes a big difference. Have you asked what the Mayor's reasoning was. in turning this down? Does the school board have the option of picking up the cost of that third?
    More facts please. The safety of children is at stake.
    Thank you.

  43. they have 4 people making 100K, top 4 adms

  44. Joe: Please shut this thread down due to inability of people that live in or work Delmar (regardless of side of the line - both sides are crappy) to reasonable discussion on a topic which concerns their community.

  45. In using numbers I found on another website, after the grant paid its portion, it would leave $41,000 that would need to be funded by alternate sources over a three year period. So, that would be an average of $13,667 per year. Of that $13,667, the school board would (should) pay 75% which is $10,250. The balance, is $3417, which as I understand was to have been split 3 ways (Delaware, Maryland, PD) bringing each entity’s total to $1,139. So, not exactly $300, but it is a figure which should be more than manageable especially when you consider its use. Now, if the rumors I have heard are true, they have to keep the SRO in the school for the 4th year, but that year would be paid entirely by alternate sources (no grant money paid). The school board would pay 75% of that year’s salary and the remainder would be split 3 ways or between the two town, not sure which.

  46. I know most people won't like this but I don't think the school needs a full time cop. I'd rather see armed teachers.

  47. They obviously don't care about your children!

    Really. do you care? You are putting your kids at risk.

  48. 2:42 You are wrong.

  49. I think both 3:01 and the 2:58 is an answer that provides HUGE benefits for the school at almost no cost! Go forward with both.

  50. I'll say it again.. Consolidate the (many) Police organizations and FLATTEN their management overhead. The money saved would pay for a lot of feet on the street.

    As an example, Canada has a (single) military that covers land, air, and sea. The same single management oversees it all.

    Excuses such as appearances in court are all bullcrap. In a small town, this could cut manpower in half if there were a chief of police and a patrolman. Make the chief a patrolman too and send his paperwork to a consolidated "headquarters".

    1. That's your solution? Yeah...I got time to wait on a state boy our sheriff, especially when they are tied up with all that crime in Salisbury. I want what my taxes pay for. Just can't always get it because of the slackers on the Delaware side. How bout we just cut the force in half and use the police on the Maryland side. Delaware can take their chances on a trooper coming from Bridgeville.

  51. "No you pansy ass little girl, I'm a man who is not afraid of a public official hiding behind anonymous. I'm a guy who has more friends in that Police Department than you'll ever dream of."

    Now now Joe, don't insult us little girls by comparing us with him ;-) Most of us shoot better and have a bigger set than someone stooping that low!

    And yes. Armed teachers!

  52. This would have been a perfect position for Ofc. Robert Harris. He is mature, professional, and good with kids.

  53. Robert Harris will never be pulled off the streets he to good at his job! One of the best we got!


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