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Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Court Upholds Constitutionality Of Death Penalty

Maryland's highest court has rejected a claim by a man on death row that his sentence is unconstitutional.

The Court of Appeals ruled on Monday against Jody Lee Miles' claim that the Maryland Constitution limits capital punishment to treason against the state government. The Daily Record reports  that the court ruled 6-1.

Miles was sentenced to death for the 1997 robbery and murder of theater manager Edward Atkinson of Salisbury. He is one of five men on death row in Maryland.



  1. Ya gotta love killers who complain that we shouldn't kill THEM. Too bad his victim didn't have any appeals......

  2. I worked with ED.
    Great guy.
    I hope Miles gets what he deserves.
    RIP ED

  3. Ask him about the "constitutionality" of murdering an innocent person. Where is that OK in the constitution?

    Kill the beast. Today is a good day to die.


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