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Saturday, November 02, 2013

Cops Swap Patrol Cars For Big Rigs To Catch Texters



  1. They pass stupid laws in the name of saving everyone, and then it just becomes a money grab.

  2. They would probably have to issue 10,000 citations just to pay for this rig. Your Democratic liberal leadership at work as usual. This is stupid.

  3. In Florida,new radar device is in the guardrail,check it out!

  4. I think it is cool.

    You idiots are to stupid to understand that texting laws are to save lives not make money. Wait till you lose a loved one because some idiot like you killed someone by texting and driving.

  5. the reporters knows whats best to conduct police work right? well, your reporting skills suck. no one wants your opinions.

  6. I think it is cool.

    You idiots are to stupid to understand that texting laws are to save lives not make money. Wait till you lose a loved one because some idiot like you killed someone by texting and driving.

    November 2, 2013 at 5:24 PM

    How many times have I told you when you call someone an idiot, make sure your comment has no mistakes?

    First off, without even mentioning your grammar, your statement is false. Second, saying it's about saving lives,(yet again), is like saying the cops are our friends and here to help. Both total hogwash.

    When I see a civilian board to investigate police instead of police investigating,(and clearing), police, then I may believe it's about safety.

    I won't hold my breath for that either.

  7. 5:24 oh really? Saving lives. B.S. It is a form of revenue and control.

  8. Any rig seen bobtailing these days is obviously not a trucker! And I agree, no amount of tickets could possibly justify this communist money grab.

  9. this police state is out of control! making everyday tasks crimes to raise revenue and ignoring the real crime because that will cost the state money! nice to see all you sheeple getting in line shutting up and waiting for your turn to arrive!

  10. Anonymous said...
    I think it is cool.

    You idiots are to stupid to understand that texting laws are to save lives not make money. Wait till you lose a loved one because some idiot like you killed someone by texting and driving.

    November 2, 2013 at 5:24 PM

    How many times have I told you when you call someone an idiot, make sure your comment has no mistakes?

    First off, without even mentioning your grammar, your statement is false. Second, saying it's about saving lives,(yet again), is like saying the cops are our friends and here to help. Both total hogwash.

    When I see a civilian board to investigate police instead of police investigating,(and clearing), police, then I may believe it's about safety.

    I won't hold my breath for that either.

    November 2, 2013 at 8:02 PM

    Obviously a COP HATER!!

    By the way there was nothing wrong with that persons grammar. Second, prove that texting laws don't save lives. I bet you are going to tell me that drinking and driving laws don't save lives.


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