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Sunday, November 10, 2013

Cop In Road-Rage slay: ‘Law On My Side’

Black officer defends killing white man who hurled 'N-word'

A black New Jersey cop facing a possible life sentence for the racially charged road-rage slaying of a white driver told The Post in his first extensive interview that he was protecting his family and, “I know the law is on my side.’’

Joseph Walker, 40, an 18-year veteran assigned to the Hudson County Prosecutor’s Office, fatally shot Joseph Harvey, 36, during a confrontation on June 8 on I-97, just south of Baltimore.

Walker, of Eastampton, NJ, was driving a Kia minivan carrying wife Marie and their three young kids. Harvey was in a green Honda Accord carrying one person.



  1. Now it comes to this , if you use the "N" word you can shoot and kill white people.
    I hear blacks using this word every day.
    I still use that word to show my anger at some of these idiots and the way they act.
    By the way if you shoot me , made damn sure I'm dead , cause I'm gonna shoot back.

  2. Its called Stand my ground if someone calls me the "N" word. It only works for Black people. This law is void for White people in Maryland.

  3. Arrogant SOB isn't he. Charged with murder, million bond and no job. Paints himself as a saint.
    No one will hire him after this and he will be working @ $8/hr in the mall.
    They were both spewing slurs, only 1 had a gun.
    All he had to do was drive away, instead of putting his family in the middle of the conflict. Not very bright.

  4. Didn't I just read that they were charging someone that killed a person that BROKE into their home with murder.....they said they should have called 911. Now this jackal thinks he can just shoot anyone he wants.

  5. If someone is outside my house stealing my stuff or attempting to break in and I shoot him I will be locked up. Why did this guy stop? Why did he exit the car with his weapon? Why did he have to fire so many shots? Why not just do what they tell us to do. Call 911 and take down the guys tag number. I say lock him up.

  6. See people, here is a guy who did not listen to "grandma" when she would give you the most important advise ever, "Sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me"

    Hey, can we as white folk riot, loot, and trash our cities if he is found Not Guilty.

    Or better yet, can we march on Washington arm-&-arm calling out "Justice for Joseph Walker"

    Ok, who will call Obama-mama and cry foul, c'mon someone who will speak to his "white" side (if he even has one).

    Now lets start singing,
    "we shal overcome, We shal overcome................."

  7. I have to side with him. The victim was walking toward him and was within 6 to 12 ft when shot. His wife and 2 young children were in the vehicle. He had no idea if the victim was armed or not. The problem is under MD law you are supposed to make an effort to escape danger before using deadly force. MD is not a Stand Your Ground state.

  8. 2:03 on his side?
    All he had to do was:
    Not stop
    Keep driving
    Call 911

    When I have been put in this position, I just keep moving and sometimes go in a direction opposite of the aggressor. Little did I know all I had to do was get a gun and shoot them.

  9. I believe from reading other things about this, driving away wasn't much of an option. They both had ended up on the shoulder after cutting each other off and swerving to avoid a crash is the story. Anyone remotely familiar with Rt 97 just outside of Baltimore knows it's a busy highway and we also don't know if the vehicles were facing the right way or were even able to get back on the road if traffic was heavy. I think one thing that's going to be important is the location of the vehicles when they ended up on the shoulder and the amount of traffic on the highway at the time.

  10. 457 is an idiot grabbing at straws. Both drivers elected to have it out on the side of the road, It was a verbal fight. Someone decided that leaving the scene was not an option. So, he decided a gun was the best choice here. Hey, there was a guy 12 feet away and an open road, engine running. Choose wiser.

    This was a murder.

  11. I'm with 707, choice is leave. You are not threatened with your life, or a gun, so leave. The road was open when you chose to leave it, and it was open when you had the opportunity to join back in.

    You murdered someone for a traffic "faux pas", period. EFF you,and I hope you die in Hell. Well, you will, but I hope until then, you can visit our special version 'til you die.

  12. The defendant did try to leave, 7:07. The story is the victim became enraged when the defendant cut him off. Victim then proceeded to drive his vehicle next to defendant's, and almost collided with it several times as he intentionally swerved toward it. The man had his wife and children in the mini van. So what do you do? Keep on driving potentially risking the lives of your family? He did identify himself as a police officer to no avail as the victim was 6 to 12 ft away. Not only was the victim coming toward him, but also the passenger.

  13. its ok for blacks to murder in 2013 HELLO!

  14. Call 911. Stay away from him. Get off an exit. There was plenty he COULD have done to avoid this. He CHOSE to be macho and hit the shoulder. Another trigger happy cop.

    Who hopefully will never be a cop again.

  15. He did attempt to "Get off an exit" 3:39, but the car continued to follow him. What are you people simple or something? The defendant tried for over a mile to get away from the victim even taking an exit. Victim continued to follow him and pulled off the shoulder ahead of him, then he and a passenger got out to confront the man, who then did identify himself as an officer.
    It's a shame you all care so little for your families that you would let someone follow you in a vehicle attempting to run you off the road putting your family in danger just to save your own butt. Speaks volumes at to your character or lack there of.
    He will be found not guilty. You all will see. I called both Zimmerman and Anthony correctly.

  16. He's a cop, he knew all he had to do was call 911 and he did not.
    It's murder.

  17. I called both Zimmerman and Anthony correctly.

    November 6, 2013 at 8:14 AM

    Well good job. You had a 50% chance either way. lol.

    It doesn't matter if he drove 20 miles, he still chose to pull of the road. A WHOLE mile huh? lol.

    Regardless, he opted to put himself and others in harms way, instead of continuing to avoid a confrontation. That much we do know.


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