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Monday, November 25, 2013

Brown Hosts Influential Guests In Redskins Stadium Skybox

As he runs for governor, Lt. Gov. Anthony G. Brown has hosted politically influential guests — including lobbyists, campaign contributors and union leaders — in the state's skybox at the Redskins' stadium, records show.

Brown's guests during the 2012 and 2013 football seasons have included well-connected lobbyists Earl Adams Jr. and Major F. Riddick Jr., pastors from significant Prince George's County churches and the supervisor of a state trooper who issued a report criticizing the behavior of Attorney General Douglas F. Gansler, a rival in the governor's race.

Government watchdog group Common Cause Maryland — which has been critical of how the state's top politicians use stadium boxes — renewed its call for more tickets to go to community volunteers, advocates for children and others without much political influence.


  1. He dont need to campaign he's the winner already,I cant wait until I move to Florida next year.

  2. God help us from another flaming liberal.

  3. and the citizens of the Maryland Republic paid for it. Wonder what they had to eat???

  4. there are a lot of stupid people in MD and they will vote for him.

  5. Why does MD state have a skybox in a VA stadium? Wouldn't they go to Baltimore?

    Brown is a joke, but he will be the next dictator of MD. brb fitting all MD citizens with breathing monitors, so we can tax every breath.

  6. Is it just me or is AB morphing into Obama?

  7. OMG get ready for the big fall!

  8. WTF?? Taxpayers in Maryland pay for a skybox for POLITICIANS to do some pimpin'? See what I've been trying to tell ya? They (your "representatives") think the tax base is their personal treasury. World travel for their (unelected) family and friends. Skyboxes. Oodles of golf and vacations. That's from taxes. Factor in bribes, kickbacks, payoffs, and "deals" and you'll see why millionaires spend millions to get a job that pays money they would normally sneer at as too little to impress them or be of any good. Holding an elected office nowadays is like buying a penny stock, only to find out next week that it just hit $25,000 a share. Except for the honesty part.


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