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Wednesday, November 27, 2013

BREAKING NEWS: Administration Announces New ObamaCare Delay

Administration says it will not launch online enrollment for small businesses until November 2014, in another delay for the health care law. From Fox News


  1. Hopefully at the November elections the American people will not be so stupid in who they vote for.

  2. With all these delays, when the crap hits the fan, look out! If I were a dumbocrap, I would rather take the crap in small doses than all at once.

  3. Hopefully by then the whole thing will have collapsed.

  4. Better insist on October. November will be AFTER the election. Hold their feet to the fire!

  5. It is only November because by then it is too late. The US will elect another liberal Democrat next time around that will pick up where Obama leaves off. My bet is Hillary.........unfortunately.

  6. It's totally illegal for him to delay it.

  7. "It's totally illegal for him to delay it."

    So what? Everything is legal until someone challenges it. Nobody is going to seriously challenge Obama or Obamacare. Trust me on this.


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