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Friday, November 01, 2013

BETRAYED: Democrats Now Admit They Knew All Along That illions Would Lose Their Existing Health Plans

The degree of betrayal found in the Affordable Care Act
(Obamacare) is finally coming to the surface… and it’s intense. As a top Democrat admitted today, the Democrats knew all along that Obamacare would cause millions to lose health care coverage. Yet they continued to promote it with premeditated lies such as, “You can keep your current health plan if you like it” and “your health insurance costs will be lower than a phone bill.”

“We knew that there would be some policies that would not qualify and therefore people would [lose their existing coverage],” said House Democratic Whip Steny Hoyer in a NationalReview.com article.

National Review goes on to report this astonishing exchange:

Asked by another reporter how repeated statements by Obama to the contrary weren’t “misleading,” Hoyer said “I don’t think the message was wrong. I think the message was accurate. It was not precise enough…[it] should have been caveated with — ‘assuming you have a policy that in fact does do what the bill is designed to do.’”

In other words, lying to the public is not “wrong.” It’s accurate but not precise!



  1. Steny Hoyer and the Kenyan are both traitor to the United States. They both need to be hung in public.

  2. Washington is full of forked tongue demons. It's time to purge!

  3. 2014 elections!!!!

  4. Speaks well for them, eh?

  5. A lie is the truth to a libtard.
    Look up "Overton Window" to see what they are doing.

  6. It's time for Democrats to turn on their messiah the Kenyan muslim and take this country back.


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