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Friday, November 29, 2013

Banks Want To Charge Us For Saving Money

Most banks already charge customers for the so-called privilege of having a checking account, but now they want to add a few extra fees. According to the Financial Times, the Federal Reserve is considering dialing back the process of quantitative easing. In other words, they want to scale back the $85 billion dollar per month bond buying program, which floods the banking industry with capital at little to no cost. But, the banks won't give up all that free money easily, and they're looking to customers to make up for those lost profits. Historically, banks actually paid customers for saving money, as a return for leaving money in the bank, where it could be used to lend and invest. But today, the banksters act like they're doing us a favor by holding our money, and using it to profit off loans and investments. The only reason this is even being considered is because the too-big-to-fail financial giants can get away with pretty much anything without fear of repercussion. It's time to break up the banks, and put power back in the hands of banking customers.


  1. Start by joining a Credit Union!

  2. Ahhh...the Fed...always looking out for Americans. And by "Americans", I mean multi-billionaire bankers. Even paying 1% on your savings, while loaning out the same money at 16-24%, isn't enough for these greed-driven vampires. They won't be satisfied. Ever. They, along with every member of Congress, need to be marched outside and hung. THAT is the ONLY way this mess will get rectified.

  3. My coffee can by the fence post also acts as my free ATM withdrawals.


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