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Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Almost 80 Million With Employer Health Care Plans Could Have Coverage Canceled, Experts Predict

Almost 80 million people with employer health plans could find their coverage canceled because they are not compliant with ObamaCare, several experts predicted.

Their losses would be in addition to the millions who found their individual coverage cancelled for the same reason.

Stan Veuger of the American Enterprise Institute said that in addition to the individual cancellations, "at least half the people on employer plans would by 2014 start losing plans as well." There are approximately 157 million employer health care policy holders.


  1. Just think - if only a small percentage of these folks had listened and become informed...and if a percentage of that newly informed group had voted differently, this Obamination of a law would have been repealed by now!

  2. All part of the plan towards a single payer system...you Dems & Libs happy with this now??? You got your Marxist/communist/socialist dictator back in office and this country is on the brink of ceasing to exist. Hopefully YOU are the ones that will be impacted by this, and you will realize, albeit too late, what a horrible mistake it is to have him on office

  3. But will this keep the masses from shoveling down plate after plate of fat laden food on Thursday? Hell no.Eat like a pig and then go to the doctor on Monday acting like they don't know what happened.People who can't moderate don't need insurance.

  4. >>>People who can't moderate don't need insurance.<<< WTF? Are you serious? How many times did you vote for Obama?

  5. Single payer eliminates the middle man (insurance company) that collected record profits and denied benefits. Every American should have healthcare available and if you don't think the insurance companies aren't the ones behind repealing the law your sadly mistaken. As long as we have a for profit healthcare industry, we're doomed.


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