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Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Administration Accused Of Giving Unions 'Special Treatment' With Exemption From ObamaCare Fee

The Obama administration is being accused of giving labor groups "special treatment under the law" after formally proposing a change that could exempt union health plans from a pesky ObamaCare fee.

Sen. John Thune, R-S.D., who flagged the obscure rule change after it was filed in the Federal Register (see page 70), blasted the exemption as "crony capitalism at its worst."

"Unions are now experiencing the ugly reality of this law, and they want out," he said in a statement.



  1. They need to suffer like the rest of us!

  2. So what? Nobody is going to do a damned thing about it.

  3. They were instrumental to putting him in office... I guess this is their payoff...

  4. they should not be allowed out. The unions pushed big for this and should be made to suffer like all the others.

  5. Obama had his gang threaten Chief Roberts into agreeing to this shi#November 27, 2013 at 4:53 PM

    Fu$% suffering...The dam thing is illegal and against Article 1 (separation clause) of the United States Constitution.

  6. Correction to this story.
    It should read "crony socialism".
    Nothing about Obama is capitalist.

  7. Muslims are exempt from the law so why not the unions. You people had better wake up and realize you elected a Muslim in the White House.


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