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Sunday, November 10, 2013

A Viewer Writes: Police Downtown

2am....or 1am..... 7 City 2 Sheriff and 1 State called to the Downtown Plaza. 1 guy was pepper sprayed and tazed. Another girl was in the back of a squad car. 2 cops at first. Within 30 seconds of requesting backup, they rolled up both sides of West Main, and St. Peters. Unreal


  1. That's the type of response I like to see. Good job!

  2. Pepper Spray and Tazers are the new Cops favorite tools! Chickens come to mind

  3. Try that in the West side gang Area.

  4. So whats your point Albero, you're next.

  5. anonymous 10:00, just what is that supposed to mean, another threat?

  6. JT bored sitting at home stuffing himself with donuts.

  7. 10AM, that sure was not very nice. The point is, sbynews is the only place you can read about stuff like this - the paper won't cover it, the news stations won't cover it, nobody covers it but sbynews. Since the media outlets think there is no crime in Salisbury, this must go to show that indeed there is. Keep it up Joe, we all know there is crime in Salisbury and a lot of it and those of us who live here like to know if its in our neighborhood or not

  8. While JI stays home getting stuffed.

  9. Jt thinking of running for Mayor.

  10. anonymous 11:37, can the man do anything original at all?

    While it is his right and I wouldn't discourage him, (I have enough information to destroy the man, the things he has said about my Wife and Grandson alone should close the deal right out of the gate) I actually would encourage him to do so.

    1. Wasn't he arrested for stalking someone?

  11. 11:37's comment gave me a laugh. He can't even manage his own life. How can he be collecting disability and hold the position of the Mayor. Why would he run against Ireton anyway? He was all for him in that last election. Is he now sorry for his action. Let the POS rot for all I care. He is nothing but a bottom feeder along with the rest of his buddies.

  12. Was Salisbury University Police there?

  13. Was it a meeting of the Fake Day Fan Club?


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