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Sunday, November 17, 2013

A Comment Worthy Of A Post 11-13-13

Ryan has left a new comment on your post "Wicomico County Residents Continue To Fight Back A...":

First off, if your gonna bad mouth a business, how bout you put your name by it instead of being a coward and using anonymous!! This is Ryan DeVage and let's get some things straight! The camera is in front of Orkin and not DeVages, regardless of where it is tho, we didn't put the cameras up, the city did!! When you have vehicles doing 65+ mph in a 25mph zone where their are hundreds of kids that walk each and every day that's a problem. We've seen countless kids almost get hit. If it was your child that was hit by a car I guarantee you wouldn't be bitching about speed cameras! The solution is simple; slow down!!!! You know the cameras are there so slow down!! I guarantee I've had more speeding tickets then anyone on this blog and I've yet to get a $40 fine from the camera and I drive by it 4 or 5 times a day! If I were you, I'd be happy the camera is there and not Officer Green b/c his tickets start at $90 a pop and with your ignorant attitude I guarantee he'd tack on a few more $. How bout next time you sack up and put your name by your statement so everyone can know how big a selfish idiot you are!



    Ryan, Thank You for that comment. Thank You for putting your name to it and actually making sense.

  2. I've never been to that donut shop but after that profane rant I never will!!!

  3. That's the spoiled Ryan that everyone knows. Boo hoo hoo.

  4. Maybe Ryan should take his own advise. SLOW DOWN and he wouldn't get so many speeding tickets. After all there are children in cars all over the place that he could hit while he is speeding on other roads.

    1. 11:02 it only matters when it affects mommy and daddy's business.

    2. Right 11:02. He's such a stellar citizen with his law breaking lead foot. Who the hell does that donut hole puncher think he is?!!!

  5. I think I'll go to Devage's today!

  6. $40 and NO points is a bargain.

  7. Officer Green would write his on mother a ticket

  8. I dont know where devage or orkin is, and don't think I really care.

  9. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    $40 and NO points is a bargain.

    November 13, 2013 at 11:21 AM

    So, a good way to collect money be no deterrent. Seems to me cops are hitting peds more than anybody, especially lately.

    And almost doesn't count.

  10. I got a $90 ticket from officer Green going 36 in the 25 zone. Haven't sped on that road since!

  11. 10:48 profane rant? really? yes he's upset but it's hardly profane, i'd say if you are that easily offended they are better off without your business. i'm sure you'd find something to complain about so you could get a freebie!

    1. 11:41. It says something about his character, not much, but enough to know that I wouldn't buy my donuts from him.

  12. Great comment/post.

  13. lol What a bunch of cry baby nerds!!! I wish all I had to run my mouth about was some stupid ass speed camera.

    Sure it violates your rights. But not as much as some a hole holding you at gun point. Or your kid getting run over walking from school.

    If you want your privacy then stay the hell home. Get over it. THere are much much bigger problems around here.

  14. I used to work on that street. And I can tell you that a vast majority of the cars doing excessive speeds on that road were the police! And they usually had a phone up to their head to boot. Has that changed any? We know that violations often disappear when a cop or politician is involved.

  15. 10:48 Better stay in your sheltered closet, buttercup.

    1. And what do you know about closets 11:56? I guess you must have come out recently.

  16. The problem is this is about revenue not about anyone slowing down. If the problem with speeding is so bad, put an officer there when school starts and when it lets out and make the fine really punitive(first offense-$1000 or a weekend in jail) I mean really $40 bucks just allows us to sit around and complain. If you want to stop crime make the punishments severe enough that it has deterent value. I am still trying to figure out what the hell we did before these "majic" speed cameras. I have lived here 25 years and still don't see where we have an epidemic of children being hurt by speeders. THe argument about "what if it was your child" doesn't hold water. Children die everyday in equally preventable ways. No backyard pools because they might drown or how about no bunk beds because they might fall. Don't forget skate boards or roller skates. Forget about sports. We have just become a nation of wimps and think that we can prepare for every contingent. life is dangerous unless we start killing more of them in the womb so we are sure they won't be killed by some lawless speeder

  17. 11:47 AM

    Well, you are complaining about the complaining of cameras. So why aren't you doing your better things?

    I don't ever recall ANYONE getting hit while walking home from school around here. I could be wrong, but I ask you to prove it.

    You state it violates our rights, but it's better than a gun to our head? Sorry, I don't understand the connection or your logic.

    But then, maybe it IS a good thing to use cameras instead of cops. A camera cannot kill someone for disobeying them. At least, not yet anyway.

  18. So what if it's only purpose IS for revenue?
    Government is a business. Their job is take and make more money to spend.

    Best thing is to just make sure they don't get yours because you got caught speeding.

  19. Very well said 12:03 - you hit the nail on the head - it is all about revenue - period.

  20. The government is not a business. I know because I own one and we have as little to do as possible with the government. The speed cameras are just another slow creep toward a police state. What ever happened to privacy? Freedom? Liberty? How about having the right to question your accuser? It might talk but I doubt it. These are the same people who say it is ok for the NSA to snoop on phone calls and emails because they have nothing to hide. Maybe we can use these things for seat belt enforcement. I mean where does it end. The technology can already track your travel patterns by liscense plate recognition. How long before facial recognition is used? It seems so rational. Who would vote against child safety? It is always an emotional plea so we go along with it. I want my tax dollars to be spent doing REAL crime prevention and investigation. Tapping Granny for $40 of her fixed income is not making Salisbury a safer place. The kids may not get hit by the car but go around the corner and get shot in this city. Let's just put a speed camera on every street and then cut the police force in half. Us mean old conservatives are all about replacing people with machines that we don't have to pay pensions. As they say on Monday Night football, Come On, man.

  21. I saw a Salisbury city cop on a cell phone the other day. Everything is supposed to be hands free?

  22. 11-13-13
    The DeVages are ALL CRY BABYS & spoiled brats. They think because they peddle a few donuts to a special inner circle of local holier than thous,they have All the answers. Just to let you know they`re liars I checked into the final decision of the location & placement of the speed trap devices and it was divulged to me not only are they disciples of Sweet Jimmy the Sugar Mayor, they were ONE of the complainers about speeding on E. Main St. Little known but verifiable if you care to. Ryan is TRYING to cover up so $1.00 donut business can flourish.
    What a crew of misfits. I`m on my way to WAWA, ha. ha.

  23. all cops should buy their donuts at devalues and the rest of us will go to dunkin or somewhere.

  24. 12:03 exactly! Well said.

  25. thanks ryan for your post. that area has always been plagued with speeders. i'll grant you it's hard to go 25-30 but it can be done. in the past i've received warnings and a ticket. the police always sat at the top of the hill on the right.

    as far a DeVage's is concerned, i love going there and so do my friends. we always get great food and great service. they are very friendly and we like supporting the locals. the hot donuts are wonderful. thanks again...

  26. 12:14 Nope, I'm not a christian. Thanks for playing though.

  27. The original camera was right in front of devages and craig had it moved so no one would think he asked for the cameras when he did.

  28. 12:03 thru 1:17 have it right ..the excuse of its for the children is a BIG LIE...the horrors of a 1984 society are staring us right in our face ..you all better wake up

  29. I quit going to Devage's after one visit. I ordered a scrapple sandwich and got a sliver of scrapple in the middle of the bread. I had to take two bites of bread to get to the scrapple. It's a dang shame when the meat doesn't even reach the side of the sandwich. Not to mention they are overpriced. Nice rant Ryan. Sack up? Seriously? Your parents must be beaming with pride. Nice job you little doughnut huckster.

  30. Wow Ryan! I'm surprised you had time to type this response between all your family photos for the Metropolitan magazine!

  31. Nice try Ryan,but the above comments should tell you about the mentality you're dealing with.Note the downward spiral they took via pack mentality.You guys do a great job,especially with the Italian Cheesesteak sub.

  32. 8:31 are you talking about the $9.95 cheesesteak u obviously are joking right

  33. It sounds like the whole damn street is the problem. Maybe it should be shut down to motor vehicle traffic.

  34. 8:31 PM

    a lot of people have the same complaint and its a pack mentality? riiiiiiiiiiight

  35. Ryan you sound like a cry baby, I agree it's not fair to hold your business accountable for the camera's but responding in the immature way you did will hurt your business a lot more.

  36. Whatever happened to "freedom of Speech" that so many gave their lives to insure?? Oh, that's right.. this is a new generation that believes in Ob's New World Order.

  37. For crying out loud!! Obey the law...do NOT exceed the speed limit.....no ticket; no problem ....

  38. Right on Ryan! Devage's for lunch tomorrow.

  39. Funny how all these people are saying Devages for lunch tomorrow and they are never busy. I went there a couple of times at the old location and the food sucked. Needless to say we never went back. Now we do go to Eastside Deli over and over again.

  40. "When you have vehicles doing 65+ mph in a 25mph zone where their are hundreds of kids that walk each and every day that's a problem. We've seen countless kids almost get hit."

    Proof they were responsible for the camera location. If hundreds of kids are walking in a 25mph zone then they are obviously walking in the roads and not the sidewalks or crosswalks which is another problem. It's really not about the kids is it.

  41. I would like to know just how many vehicles if any have been cited for 65mph in that zone.

  42. Really if this is about safety why are you not sighted until you're 12 plus miles over the posted speed ?

  43. May be off subject a little..... but why should the government prosper from a crime???? Should not the criminal be punished (driving privileges, time in jail, public service, physical) The way in which we "harm" a wrong doer now is directly proportional to the benefit to the government. It is no wonder the government continues to grow uncontrolled. In turn a 40 or 90 or 1,000,000 dollars fine will not deter crime, for one either accepts the amount as cost of doing business or the will just not pay it. If the deterrent was a personal inconveniences (such as above) suffered after the proper processes, including habitus corpus meaning AKA NO CAMERA people would in deed slow down……

  44. Whether it is about safety or money, there is no infringement of privacy or rights. WTH does that come from? I live in the neighborhood and I struggle with staying at the speed limit but many don't even try.
    I don't understand why obeying the laws is such a bad thing. If you don't like Ryan or his family, your choice, but it doesn't make him wrong. It also doesn't make his business bad, they have better donuts than any in town.


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