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Thursday, October 10, 2013

Wicomico Public Library Hosts Puppet Workshop

WHAT: Puppet workshop
WHO:  Those interested in seeing and creating puppets.  Open to all ages however children must be accompanied by an adult.

WHEN: Saturday, October 26, 10 am – 12 pm

WHERE: Wicomico Public Library, Downtown Library

SALISBURY, MD – October 26, 2013 – On Saturday, October 26, from 10 am – 12 noon, Wicomico Public Library will host a puppetry workshop at the Downtown Library. The Salisbury University Theatre Department will display and demonstrate puppets used in past productions, show how they are made, and assist participants in creating their own.   Used in theater and art throughout history, puppets are created in a wondrous array of styles and from a variety of materials.  The program is free and open to the public.  Children are welcome, but must be accompanied by an adult.   

The program is the first in the “Makers @ Your Library” series, made possible in part by a grant from the Salisbury Wicomico Arts Council, awarded by the Maryland State Arts Council and the National Endowment for the Arts.   Additional programs in the series include workshops on creating holiday herbal teas and Baltimore screen painting.  

Wicomico Public Library welcomes “Makers” – artists, crafters, hackers, inventors, and geeks of all descriptions who want to develop a culture of creation and invention -- to use the Library as a place to explore, expand, and share their skills and talents.  The Library has traditionally provided books and instructional materials to support maker activities and now is pleased to be able to offer a variety of craft programs for children, teens, and adults.  Future programs will feature cooking, fiber arts, robotics, and computer skills.  

Check the online calendar (www.wicomicolibrary.org) for program details, and contact the Library at askus@wicomico.org with suggestions for new programs.   Wicomico Public Library is place where people can come together to share resources, knowledge and ideas.   We are actively seeking input on ways to enhance and celebrate local efforts. 

Wicomico Public Library has locations in Downtown Salisbury, the Centre at Salisbury, in Pittsville, a computer access station in Bivalve, and the Library Bookmobile.  Wicomico Public Library offers free Internet access, a variety of classes and events, and an online virtual library with eBooks, eMagazines, Databases and online streaming movies as well as materials for loan including popular books, music and DVD’s.  Visit us online at WicomicoLibrary.org.  You Belong @ Wicomico Public Library!


  1. Thank you mayor Ireton. How many more do you need?

  2. children must be accompanied by an adult.
    How Ever there will be the usual adults seated at the bottom of the stairs to choose from.


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