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Wednesday, October 16, 2013

What to Do About America’s Low-Skill Work Force

The U.S.’s economic future may not be as bright as its past.

Some bad news for America, not on the political front this time, but in what corporate executives call human resources.

It’s from the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development’s report on adult skills, based on 166,000 interviews in 24 economically advanced countries in 2011 and 2012.

The verdict on the United States: “weak in literacy, very poor in numeracy, but only slightly below average in problem-solving in technology-rich environments.”
On literacy, just 12 percent of U.S. adults score at the top two levels, significantly lower than the 22 percent in largely monoethnic and culturally cohesive Japan and Finland. American average scores are below those in our Anglosphere cousins Australia, Canada, England, and Northern Ireland.

One-sixth of Americans score at the bottom two levels, compared with 5 percent in Japan and Finland.



  1. what do you expect when the 50% percent of adults in this country are scum with no desire to get ahead in life! They just want to sit on their @sses and suck off the taxpayer!

  2. 11:59 I think that number has passed the 50% barrier. Too many handouts for this country to ever return to what it once was. I apologize to my grandfather every night.

  3. What workforce? Working the system workforce?

  4. can someone on this blog tell me why the majority of American citizens allow the government school system to systematically destroy our future by dumbing down our education? I would invite teachers to give me your thoughts and excuses.

    teachers; you could have spoken up years ago when you began to see the poor choices and changes happening in your system, but you were afraid to let your voice be heard. you were afraid of losing your precious insurance provided by your unions. collectively you could have made a huge difference, but you chose not to just to protect your interests; never mind the good of your students or the good of the nation.

    please don't tell me you had no choice because that excuse doesn't hold water. bottom line; shame on you and others for not demanding better of our pols to make sure our children, grand-children and the children we were charged with, as adults, were given the best opportunity possible.

    this started at least 40 years ago and at that time we could have stopped this evil nonsense and made it work. we could have made better choices.

    we are still "we the people", but as you can see, most will Not speak up and continue to speak up. the citizens of this, once great nation have become lazy and pre-occupied with their own self-interests. finally; you have what you deserve.

    post script: I use "you and we" throughout this comment because I have been speaking up for at least 40 years. I will NEVER stop speaking up and I will never stop calling, writing and emailing to all who will listen. I fear for my nation and my children's future but not because I didn't do my part. The only hope I have is that in reality God holds my ultimate future, not man. I just hate to see our nation go the way of failure.

  5. America's welfare mentality has been breeding and feeding stupidity for too long.
    As we are seeing now, the philosophy has dire consequences and inevitably leads to collapse.

  6. Funny, that figure is more like 75% on the Eastern Shore. Neve saw so many uneducated, unskilled redneck freeloaders in my life.

  7. You got that 12:54 they think education is silly then wonder why they cannot make a living.

  8. Hate to break this to you, 12:54, but it is difficult to locate a native of the shore anymore. The bulk of those uneducated, unskilled freeloaders moved down here from other places.

  9. Dysgenic breeding encouraged by welfare state + low IQ high fertility immigration, as simple as that.


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