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Tuesday, October 01, 2013

What The Ted Cruz Filibuster Really Means – It’s the End Of The GOP As We Know It

There is a tide in the affairs of men, which taken at the flood, leads on to fortune. Omitted, all the voyage of their life is bound in shallows and in miseries. On such a full sea are we now afloat. And we must take the current when it serves, or lose our ventures.

- Brutus in William Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar

A misguided, decrepit, corrupt, warmongering, and surveillance-happy Republican Party was already stumbling around the room; hammered drunk on its decades old power trip, led by mindless cronies with zero direction when Ted Cruz came by and gave it a charitable push to the ground. It fell swiftly with a pathetic thud. The establishment Republican Party died this week. Good riddance.



  1. Ted Cruz a true patriot and statesman. Time will tell, but this dude isn't MY final word and it shouldn't be yours either. We can actually think and act on our own and for ourselves.

    Truth - What a concept...

  2. I think some of the Republican party finally have come to their senses and have said no more to the moderates. The Republican moderates do not represent my beliefs and I wish everyone of them gone right down to our local County Council. The Republican party is CONSERVATIVE and conservative policies just might save this country. It is time to stop rge moderates and liberals by any means possible. We should "take back" our country!

  3. it wasn't a real filibuster. Just hot air taking up space.

  4. When will they realize, they do not represent their constituents.
    They are soft. We want to fight the Marxist takeover, not compromise and pander to it.
    Democrat/progressives are the party of hate, intolerance, bigotry and misplaced deceitful rhetoric and must be fought to the death or America is done.

  5. Written like a tried and true brainwashed idiot democrat.


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