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Sunday, October 06, 2013

What Is A Clean Chesapeake Bay?

The definition of a clean Chesapeake Bay depends on who you ask. Here’s a look at how leading organizations define clean:
  • The Chesapeake Bay Foundation says a restored bay will score 70 in the nonprofit’s annual report card of bay health. This score combines 12 indicators, everything from nitrogen and oxygen to shad and oysters. Bay health scored 32 in the most recent report.

  • The Chesapeake Bay Program, the lead agency behind the cleanup, set goals for seven signs of bay health: crabs, rockfish, grasses, bottom habitat, oxygen, algae and clarity. These measures are charted annually in the program’s ”Bay Barometer” The only goal achieved so far is rockfish. A 1980s fishing moratorium restored that species. 


  1. So where's all the millions going?Parties with the rich and famous.

  2. I thought Jimbeau was cleaning up the river?

  3. I saw no mention of Pelicans.The only time they frequent a body of water is when that body is healthy.Only when the bay is healthy will they appear in large numbers,so they too can be considered a barometer.

  4. this photo is typical at the Inner Harbor areas in Baltimore. They have several vessels to skim the crap off the surface yet, they don't seem to operate on a regular basis.
    Seems like the Chesapeake Bay foundation should be footing the bill, by spending less on the enormous over head.

  5. The Chesapeake Bay Foundation DOES NOT want the bay to be clean. If it were, they would all be out of jobs. Duh!

  6. @7:37

    And this kids is why you stay away from Meth.

  7. Have you ever seen any officers, directors or employees of CBF actually doing anything to clean up the bay? No, and you never will. CBF exists solely to beg for donations and government grants to provide nice salaries and benefits to its executives.

  8. Anonymous said...
    Have you ever seen any officers, directors or employees of CBF actually doing anything to clean up the bay? No, and you never will. CBF exists solely to beg for donations and government grants to provide nice salaries and benefits to its executives.

    September 30, 2013 at 9:34 PM

    You are absolutely correct! And what do the dirt bags with WET, the Wicomico Environmental Trust do?

    All these people do is prevent farmer from selling their land to build houses on. They are making farmland worthless.

    They are both worthless bureaucratic organizations that are in business for the free money donations and the high paying jobs. They are nothing but bottom feeding scumbags.

  9. CBF gets enough money. Every Md. taxpayer pays them INVOLUNTARILY.
    What have they done with the money? Every homeowner & renter pays handsomely, through the nose. I reiterate, what have they done with the money?

  10. "All these people do is prevent farmer from selling their land to build houses on"

    Because we absolutely need more sprawling, ugly, cookie cutter housing communes making the same greedy developers richer.

  11. Was this a photo by a regular citizen, not connected to any political agency, c3 group, as a random, not staged photo op? After a normal summer storm, I can take a picture to match this one on my local river shore. Thought tax dollars were already available to take care of this?

    btw to the person who took this picture, can you confirm that after taking this picture, you cleaned up the mess, right?

  12. 8:14 jealous because you don't have a work ethic and can't stand for anyone to make money? The farmer has an absolute right to make tons of money of of the sale of HIS property and so does the developer. Ultimately it should not come down to environmental terrorists to put such restrictions on farmand and water related properties to make them invaluable. These morons from CBF would never have jobs in any other capacity because they are lazy, lazy, lazy liberals.

  13. It not only varies among who you ask but which party is in power at the time. If the Dems are in power it is improving....if the Repubs are in power then it's in terrible shape...the worst in 50+ years, etc.


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