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Sunday, October 20, 2013

Washington D.C. Residents Blame GEORGE W. BUSH for the Shutdown!

It’s amusing to watch people blame the “minority of the minority” tea party for all the nonsense going on in Washington D.C. over the last five years. Because heaven knows, they’ve certainly been able to get their way on the $3.7 trillion budgets, the trillion dollar average deficits, and ObamaCare.

But to blame George W. Bush for the one-sixth government shutdown? That’s just taking ridiculous to a whole new level.




  2. Thanks for the laugh!

  3. These people are the reason Obama is where he is.

  4. What bothers me more than anything is these fools believe what they hear. Propaganda has brought many society's down.

  5. stupid is as stupid does!

  6. Pelosi makes it sound SOOOOOO good! Saving tons of money, better treatment, more affordable. Wow. Then why did Pelosi vote to exempt herself from it? To hear her talk, she should be elbowing people out of line to get into obamacare.....but exactly the opposite occured. I wonder why?

  7. Yeah 1201, it's not like you couldn't make a similar video from interviews at a tea party rally. It is you folks that think voter ignorance is a one-party issue that are a major part of the problem.

  8. The uninformed voters!
    11:31, 12:01, and 1:16 are spot-on!

  9. 1:47 nice try, you obviously have not been to a tea party rally you just watch your friends in the MSM. maybe you should give it a shot and you might be surprised

  10. Again, refer too the Maryland college graduation statistics, posted earlier.

  11. 1:47PM
    "The WORCESTER COUNTY TEA PARTY will meet on THURSDAY, OCTOBER 24, 2013 at the Ocean Pines Community Center. Speaker: WILLIAM H. CAMPBELL, Candidate for MD State Comptroller.
    Doors will open at 6:30 pm, the meeting will start at 7:00 pm."

    Perhaps you can test your delusional theory there.

  12. I think they should go back to DC to do another interview. This time they should ask them if they have enrolled in Obamacare, if not they can enroll them or at least tell them how much it will cost them. I want to see the video of their face once they find out how much free healthcare will cost them and how they WILL take it from their refunds.

  13. WOW I don't even know what to say!!!

  14. Chuck Cook said...

    Yeah 1201, it's not like you couldn't make a similar video from interviews at a tea party rally. It is you folks that think voter ignorance is a one-party issue that are a major part of the problem.

    October 17, 2013 at 1:47 PM

  15. Nothing like a modern education. And we wonder why America is in the shape it's in. Kind of wonder how much our minority has dropped on the stupid scale since the 1960's......you know when we had to dummy down to let the "others" catch up but then again it's been 50 years with negative improvement. Go figure.


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