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Monday, October 14, 2013

Want To Get Into The Fire Boat Business?

Well, for $149,000.00 and a good paint job you to can go into competition with local Fire Departments. Think about it. You only have to go to work, oh, let's say one day every ten or twenty years. Benefits, great salary and a retirement to boot.

Heck, the local government will probably throw in a few SUV Chase Vehicles to run around in as well. You know, for those calls you get so often making sure you can cut through traffic and get to the Marina in no time. 

If you'd like to learn more about this Boat, GO HERE.  


  1. if it doesn't cost at least 1 million dollars our fire dept isn't interested. never mind the fact that they don't really need the equipment. thanks sjd

    1. Sorry, but the SFD has already bought this jewel from the 7 seas. It will be designated "Marine Asst.Chief-1", carry a complement of 6 crewmen, 24 hour dedicated staffing, and charts to all local fast food,sub shops, and grocery stores.

  2. Just a question.....

    If this was purchased with a grant, could it be located as shown in the pics at a local restaurant? That way diners arriving on other apparatus could get cross-trained while they chow down.

    Just a thought!


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