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Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Uh, Mayor Ireton, This Quote Was From 1974!

"The Salisbury Zoological Park, recognized as one of the best small zoos in America".

Featured on the City Home Page, Mayor Ireton continues to use a quote made public in 1974. Leave it to a Liberal to mislead you, (and others) to believe the Zoo is all that. It may have been back in 1974 but it certainly isn't now, (with all due respect).

One might think with a $3,000,000.00 annual budget it would be, but it's not. 

Here's an idea Jimmy. Just get one of your friends like Chuck Cook to make another new quote. Something a bit more current and you can run with that. Until then, the above quote is almost 40 YEARS OLD. 


  1. I bet the person running the zoo might be just as qualified as Tom Thumb Stevenson to run the city.

  2. I love the part about chuck cook. What a loser for Obama and O'Malley.


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