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Sunday, October 20, 2013


After one trooper was struck and critically injured and another trooper’s car was destroyed within four days, it is clear to Maryland State Police that drivers need to be reminded about the state’s ‘move over’ law, which is intended to increase safety for police officers, firefighters and EMS personnel when they are working along Maryland roads.

State troopers across Maryland will be conducting coordinated traffic initiatives on October 21, 2013, reminding motorists of the importance of the ‘move over” law. Special enforcement operations will be underway in every area of the state. Drivers are being warned now to be alert for these operations.

Early on the morning of October 6, 2013, Trooper Jacqueline Kline was struck by a passing vehicle while she was assisting another trooper on the shoulder of Rt. 100 in Anne Arundel County. The preliminary investigation indicates the driver failed to move over as he passed the two marked police cars with their emergency lights activated. Trooper Kline remains hospitalized in critical condition.

While investigating a crash on I-695 in Baltimore County on October 12, 2013, Trooper First Class Justin Updegraff’s marked patrol car was destroyed when a driver failed to move over or slow down. Fortunately, Tfc. Updegraff was outside his vehicle when it was struck. He did not sustain any injuries.

The intent of the ‘move over’ law is to provide an extra barrier of safety for police officers, firefighters, and emergency rescue personnel working on Maryland roads.
The law requires drivers approaching from the rear of a stopped emergency vehicle with it lights activated, to change into an available lane not next to the emergency vehicle. This movement should only be done if safe to do so. When there is no available lane for drivers to move over into, such as on a single lane road, drivers are required to slow to a reasonable and prudent speed as they pass the emergency scene.

It is hoped this awareness initiative will remind drivers to be aware of police and emergency workers stopped on the roads and to move away from them or slow down as they pass by the traffic stop or incident scene. Violation of the ‘move over’ law is a primary offense with a fine of $110 and one point. If the violation contributes to a traffic crash, the fine is $150 and three points. If the violation contributes to a traffic crash resulting in death or serious injury, the fine is $750 and three points.


  1. Move over to the opposite side when they're stopped on a shoulder. Move over to the opposite side when they're in a hurry and on your ass in traffic. Move over because they don't have the time to get somewhere or have taken the necessary precautions that the rest of us would be required to do along the edge of a highway. Move over my ass, you, are no better than I, nor have any more importance than anyone else. You, Mr. Policeman, move over, I'm comin through and driving the speed limit. Self centered entitlement elitist vs regular joe.

  2. A current JOGGER on Riverside DriveOctober 19, 2013 at 2:50 PM

    People are more concerned about their destination than the safety of others...

  3. And many people drive like they not only OWN the road, but are the only ones on it (try looking in the rear view mirror this year). And some are like the total dumb ass who was walking IN THE STREET on Rt 13 north at 6:15pm a few days ago.. I guess using the sidewalk made too much sense.

  4. About jogging on riverside drive , it's a road for vehicles , not for runners , go to the park and run or go out on rt. 50 and make my day.
    These joggers are idiots!!

  5. Riverside drive isn't wide enough for vehicles much less joggers !!
    Get a life joggers before you lose yours.

  6. The move over law should apply for road workers too . They are in harms way ten fold of a cop and make a fraction of the pay to keep your feets on the streets.

  7. 451 it DOES apply to road workers, when they have lights activated. You know, those pretty little yellow flashy things.

  8. Pedestriains, which include joggers, are to use the SIDEWALK. If there is no sidewalk, use the edge of the road, FACING traffic. BTW, bicycles GO WITH TRAFFIC.

    Learn it, use it.

  9. Absolutely agree a point. Some of these Troopers need to exercise a little professionalism in the realms of excessive speeding, driving much to close and being distracted while driving and talking on the cell phone at the same time. Sooner or later a fatal accident is sure to happen behind some of this. Please lead by deed. Respect is earned not guaranteed.

  10. Well, cops need special treatment, since their uniforms automatically reserve roadspace wherever they happen to be standing as an accident free zone. Kinda like when their lights and sirens activated make them immune to the physical laws of gravity and motion.

    Dream on, troopers, and mourn your dead as policy is followed...

  11. Does the move over law apply when they run out onto a highway, directly in front of oncoming traffic to pull over a speeder?

    Wonder what would happen if we moved over and kept on going....

    1. I have done exactly that out on rt. 50 going to Salisbury one saturday. (Three cars on the left side grass) one came out in the left/fast lane and pointed his finger directly at me and a car behind me, driving faster than I was, took my place in that left lane, as I moved over to the right and looked away from the cop. He was pulled and I drove on. Some times you just gotta be a considerate driver and/or think quick. I expected a chase or another cop up on down the road, but I guess turning off onto old Ocean City road for the rest of the way into Salisbury may have been a prudent thought?

  12. Nice to know my life is worth $750 and three points on some idiots license. At the same time I know the dangers of my volunteering.I only feel as though if I/we we can volunteer our lives at a given instance .....you can volunteer an extra minute out of your drive time to slow down and move over.and if not for us for our families. Wanna blow through Salisbury fine. Their paid guys have great life insurance us volleys don't.

  13. Troopers are hypocrites.

  14. How about motorists advise troopers not to park in the roadway. Pull off the road.

  15. MESS WITH ME WHILE I AM JOGGINGOctober 20, 2013 at 1:36 PM

    Hey impulsive fast Riverside Drivers:

    Failure to exercise due caution to Pedestrian Traffic; which includes JOGGERS will result in me SUING YOUR A$$ for everything you have.

    1. Not when I can prove your the one that put me at risk for being an idiot jogging on a narrow curvey road when you can jog in safer areas.good thing my truck is equipped with a brush guard.

  16. 8:19 nailed it. Thank you!

  17. I AM CONCEALED CARRY HOLDER TOUGH GUYOctober 20, 2013 at 5:40 PM

    5:08 I carry a gun when I jog on Riverside...GOOD LUCK

    1. Lol.a gun will do you no good internet gangster! !!! Are you gonna run around with it already pulled out?you'll most likely never see the car or truck coming!

  18. Let's promote the "Jump out in front of 70 mph traffic" initiative, in order to reduce the number of troopers and increase the number of trooper funerals.

  19. 5:40
    I am not 5:08 but that has to be the dumbest comment I have seen in a while. I'm sure while you are laying in the road dead that gun will help you. Don't be an idiot. Car vs pedestrian........the car always wins. Legally you could be right......but you could also be DEAD right. The people that jog on any narrow road are putting their life in the hands of drivers. I think I would remove that danger and jog somewhere else rather than becoming a speed bump.

  20. 11:43 AM

    what the heck are you talking about?

  21. I just always thought it was considerate and safe to move away from a human being in harms way. Trooper , worker, whatever. Heck, I even brake for squirrels, as it does no good to move over. Now if some dumb ass runs out in front of me, well.......................!

  22. @5:40, if you're bragging about carrying chances are you're full of it. I really conceal carry owner would never say anything is stupid as what you have said.

  23. Jump out in front of me and I will accidently run into you.

  24. 11:43 volunteering? is that what you call it? what a freaking imbecile, shows just how uneducated you really are.
    No wonder they got you walking out into traffic! fool!

    1. Are you a simpleton? You have mixed up several comments. Time to regroup and lay off the Starbucks!
      11:43 I completely understand you.

  25. 11:43 I completely understand you.

    October 21, 2013 at 12:38 PM

    no doubt. that makes two. how about the rest of us?


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