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Saturday, October 05, 2013

Temple University Student Suing Atlantic City Police After Violent Beatdown Caught On Video

A 20-year-old student at Temple University is suing the Atlantic City Police Department after he was allegedly violently detained and beaten outside a casino, CNN reports.David Connor Castellani says he was kicked out of the Tropicana Casino because he was underage. A recently released video shows the Temple junior gesturing and yelling at a group of police officers, who run at him and violently wrestle him to the ground before releasing a police dog to attack him.

According to CNN, Castellani was charged with resisting arrest, disorderly conduct, and aggravated assault on an officer and a canine. He needed more than 200 stitches to close up multiple wounds and dog bites on his head and neck, and was also treated for a crushed spinal nerve and numbness on the right side of the skull.



  1. Resisting arrest? Seriously? Citizens HAVE THE RIGHT to yell at the police, call them names, make obscene gestures, and generally disrespect them. They are agents of the government, and as such, can be subjected to any of that (in theory) under "freedom of speech". Police do not (in theory) have the right to act out their anger at such behavior and attack citizens, beat them, and often kill them. In reality, the police believe that any challenge to their supposed authority MUST result in a gang attack that can get as violent as they want it to get. Question --- if a man outside a bar started yelling at you and your friends, hurling nasty insults and gesturing obscenely, how many years in prison would YOU get for letting your German Shepard bite him mercilessly while you and three of your friends (who were carrying guns) beat him so badly that he needed TWO HUNDRED STITCHES and treatment for a crushed spinal nerve? Felonious assault, attempted murder, mayhem, accessory to attempted murder, first degree assault, and that's just a start. How many years?? HOW MANY!? Wearing a gun and a badge does not give police the right to mangle/kill citizens because said citizen pissed them off, any more than you and I are (not) allowed to....in fact, quite the opposite. Their training and position should make them better equipped (and more legally aware of the consequences) to handle their anger and hurt feelings. Prison time for those thugs....and if THAT was my son they beat, they wouldn't have to worry about prison. They'd have MUCH bigger problems, like how fast could they draw up a will. Now, cops, answer the question --- what did YOU do when you saw another cop committing a crime, oh say, like, uh, felony assault?? "Participate" is NOT the correct answer, either.

  2. Kid got what he deserved and needed.

    1. And your disgusting! Just like them coward pieces of.....

  3. Answer the questions --- how many years in PRISON would CITIZENS get for that and what did you do when you saw another cop commit a crime (and you can just address FELONIES)? "...got what he deserved and needed." As in vigilante? And if you're man enough to DEFEND that, sign your name like a man.

  4. His little punk ass won't do that again.

  5. Thank you, Imclain for your sanity in this story.

  6. Still waiting for the answers.....isn't there just ONE cop who can answer those two questions? Just one??? C'mon, there's GOTTA be at least ONE cop who can answer them. Huh? Maybe not...

  7. He got what he deserved?! NOBODY deserves THAT. And then they have the nerve to charge the kid with assaulting a cop and the DOG?!

    You cops.... you seem to forget you are outnumbered and outgunned. You think you're tough right now, but just wait til there are 1 million or more SUBJECTS coming down on you.

    We won't forget who you are when the time comes.

  8. 6:22 and 7:36 you are sick and demented if you think this police brutality is justified.

  9. imclaim, the cops can't answer they just hide behind their badges and talk sh!t anonymously all day long on this here blog. but don't worry when you call for one they will threaten to either, won't come or maybe they will come and beat you up! that'll teach you to call them out! what a freaking joke they are. Now lets hear all you cops tell us what a great job you are doing defending our way of life! JOKERS!

  10. I'm sensing some resentment and anger here.


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