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Saturday, October 05, 2013

Team Hillary Clinton Blames GOP For Park Closings

Hillary Clinton's shadow campaign for president has joined the administration in selling Obamacare -- and blasting Republicans for trying to kill it in the budget showdown that has closed the government.

Ready for Hillary, a group staffed and supported by former aides to Clinton and President Obama, just dispatched an email urging supporters to sign up at www.healthcare.gov. The email includes an Image of the site which, when clicked, reroutes to the Obamacare signup page.

The note also takes a slap at the GOP efforts to stop the Affordable Care Act, blaming them for the government shutdown and the closing of national parks.



  1. My question is simply, are national parks the only thing that the gov't funds? Seems they're the only thing shutting down during this gov't fiasco.

  2. She is a CRACK HEAD USER


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