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Sunday, October 13, 2013

Set The Tatas Free


  1. Yes indeed!!!!!! Have that once a month and have the ladies passing the donation bucket around. Be a huge money maker. Kick cancers ASS!!!!!!

  2. Maybe I'll go to church this Sunday after all.

  3. I'll participate! But then, I'M A GUY...

  4. The government will never let us kick cancer. If they would it would be no more than the flu. They make to much money and it's good for population control.

  5. 8:44 must be a Muslim. Ok to rape kids but not ok to show love and respect to women.

  6. Sexualizing cancer is terrible. Made me sick to see this ad.

  7. 943 and how exactly is the gov. making money off of cancer? Is it through the billions spent on terminal care for poor cancer victims? Or the billions spent on cancer research?

  8. For real awareness set the tatas free should be 24-7-365.

  9. This will be an interesting day!

  10. to really set em free lets ditch shirts too :)

  11. for once a really worthy event

  12. The post says support breast cancer. Why would anyone want to support breast cancer. I think it meant to say support breast cancer awareness.

  13. When is shirtless day?

  14. My computer must be messing up.I can only get the "back to" photo.

  15. 9:07 AM
    Depends how you go about it.

  16. Speaking for women who have been wounded by cancer surgeries I feel this is tasteless. Every woman who goes through breast cancer is wounded. Some just have larger scars.

  17. 11:07 get over it. There is huge movement to raise money for all. If you have scars it means you are still living. That is the blessing. Raise awareness or funds any way possible I have lost way too many family members to the vicious stuff. I guess we could get a group to do a commercial all could be crying on a stage and then pass the hat. The only problem I see with this is some women I know really should just keep the bra on lol. Anyone for some flap jacks lol

    1. I like banana flap jacks 11:56.

  18. I can war a pink shirt, why do I have to take my bra off, it is distasteful, only you guys think it is great....11:56 how is this raising money??? There is enough awareness we do not need to degrade ourselves to show support. We could shave our heads as well, but then guys may not want to see that huh?


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