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Saturday, October 05, 2013

Senior Admin. Official: 'We Are Winning...It Doesn't Really Matter To Us' When Shutdown Ends

Although the government shutdown continues, it appears President Barack Obama and the White House are not getting any closer to negotiating with Republicans. A quotation from an unnamed senior administration official in today's Wall Street Journal explains why.
Said a senior administration official: "We are winning...It doesn't really matter to us" how long the shutdown lasts "because what matters is the end result."

With this view, it explains why President Obama won't agree to any piecemeal legislation that would keep Veterans Affairs and NIH open during the shutdown. And it explains why President Obama would rather cancel his Asia trip than negotiate with Republicans.

It's because the White House (or, at least this unnamed official) believe it is "winning" by shutting down the government and blaming Republicans. And when one's winning, he's not likely to change course.

As the Journal details, Obama has also argued that he won't negotiate over the debt ceiling because the stakes are too high.



  1. When communism wins, the people lose.

  2. All Partisan politics aside, and ignoring my own beliefs. Every one in Congress and every Senator as well as the President should be ashamed of themselves. They are Acting like 5 year old. They ALL need to grow up and get A PAIR. Let the un-affordable care act crash on its own. AS it will the numbers don't work.

  3. As always, obammy lies yet again. He is NOT winning. Nor should he.

    It shouldn't even be about WINNING, it should be about what the PEOPLE want.

    And the majority of people DO NOT want obammycare.

  4. 3:45 - so what if the number's don't work? "Government" will get the blame and the low information voter will demand "government" (and never the greedy private sector) fix it.

    That means this problem will swirl us endlessly down the drain like a turd going down the toilet.

  5. 5:34 at least in that situation the toilet works.


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