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Wednesday, October 30, 2013

School Test Teaches Kids: “Commands Of Government Officials Must Be Obeyed By All”

Papers produced by global education corporation; Part of ‘No Child Left Behind’ program

A parent of a ten year old was shocked to discover a grammar and writing test paper that their child brought home from school reads more like document from an authoritarian country such as China.

The parent sent a portion of the test paper to Infowars, revealing that it contains sentences such as “The commands of government officials must be obeyed by all.”

The paper uses such sentences and asks school children to replace certain words in order to make the sentence contain a possessive noun.

Others within the paper include:
“The job of a president is not easy.”

“He makes sure the laws of the country are fair”

“The wants of an individual are less important than the needs of a nation”



  1. The indoctrination from the public school system.

    We need to get them out of the classroom and let the teachers teach the standard curriculum.

  2. This sounds like a directive from Putin out of the Supreme Soviet.

  3. practice saying "heil"
    try it again "heil"
    not so bad, huh "heil"

    now pull your head out of the sand oh complacent ones...you dumb heads

  4. This is the only type of thing being taught in public schools.


  5. Frogs in a pot; temperature slowly moving upwards.

  6. Training the sheep. Why don't they start passing out Mao buttons and informer checklists for the kids to take home and report on their parents bad habits (like having a copy of the Constitution and Declaration of Independence on their book shelf)?

  7. wow this country is f'd! lot's of idiots out there. thank God all those people in the ghetto make sure to teach their kids not to listen to anyone from the government but also how to get over on them. it's the middle class white kids whose parents have condemned them to public school who would be stupid enough to buy into this!

  8. I stand by my comment when I said that the school system is nothing but a mere way to conform the youth of America to the minds of what the government wants us to believe. Hell they don't even take the children the real truth of history anymore when's the last time you've attended one of your children's history classes? I have and it's taking me I question the teachers and the school and they said that is what is on the boards agenda and Standards of teaching


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