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Saturday, October 05, 2013

Salisbury Station 2 Fire Department Enjoys Red Lobster Today


  1. Well if the paid men can do it than I have no problem with the volunteers doing it.

  2. i was on the truck and we stopped trere for a bite and it was great by the way we used the city credit card to pay the bill thanks folks we were their on business checking smoke alarms

  3. Wonder if their using food stamps or the Independence card as most are "career vounteers:".

  4. They were doing a fire prevention inspection, no sorry food safety inspection. Now they are assisting the health department.

  5. 2:38
    Have you ever heard of grammar?

  6. 4 49 nope i am just a fireman making way more money then you and get a lot of free dinners so suck it up and stop complaining

  7. Who cares people gotta eat.

  8. 4:49 is on welfare and lets his boyfriend buy lottery tickets with his EBT card. You know how he pays him back, don't you?

  9. I was there eating when the firemen came in. There was a fire in the cooking stove. How in the heck do you folks expect the restaurant to prepare food. They don't serve it raw. Come on now!!!


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