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Sunday, October 13, 2013

Peaceful Protest?


  1. And no doubt while the D.C. Gestapo was out in force with their batons and tasers there were several real crimes being perpetrated in our nations capital. Truly shameful.

  2. Joe,
    Thanks so much for the coverage of the Million Vets March today. I have been watching all day through first a live feed, until it "went down", and then through any other feed I could find. As you can imagine, hardly any of the MSM are covering it at all. I think it was NBC that actually had a video from early this morning. I just want you to know how much I appreciate being able to find out information now adays. The media only show what they want you to know or what they can doctor up to make you believe something that isn't true. These days are fraught with danger from so many different sides, but from what I have found this weekend our government is behind a lot of it. I heard a lady on the live feed this morning mention that everyone should look up Agenda21course.com. I googled it just to see what it was and was blown away just in the first two and three lessons. I have really had my eyes opened this weekend. Again, thanks for the coverage. And thank you to all of our veterans who had the courage and the fortitude to march on the White House and the monuments. Thank you!

  3. 2:43 Agenda 21 is nothing more than global Marxism.
    The elitists want to control everything and forget about survival of the fittest. It is completely against natural law. It will, as we have begun to witness, severely undermine humanity by diluting and weakening society.
    It will (again) as we are witnessing currently, breakdown values, quality of the human mind and lower education standards so humans become weak and stupid, willing to follow and rely on the elitists for their very survival.

    No to agenda 21.
    NO to the Obama regime and it's petty vindictive, deceitful Marxist Elitist politics.

    Yes to veterans and America!

  4. 2:10
    I heard the DC police were ok. It was the park police that were not so nice.

  5. whats the protest for? dont they understand NOTHING comes of it? just a bunch of videos. I like how people say cops work for "us" i bet more than half are unemployed

    1. If you have to ask what this protest is for you need to go put your head back whereever you pulled it from. Just sit right there and tell the rest of us "NOTHING comes of it". You are either deaf, blind or stupid. I'm putting my money on stupid.

  6. All police involved are just following orders, just like you do when your boss tells you to do something. The USPP included.

  7. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    All police involved are just following orders, just like you do when your boss tells you to do something. The USPP included.

    October 14, 2013 at 8:20 AM

    That's exactly what the nazi's said at Nuremberg. It didn't work there either.

  8. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    If you have to ask what this protest is for you need to go put your head back whereever you pulled it from. Just sit right there and tell the rest of us "NOTHING comes of it". You are either deaf, blind or stupid. I'm putting my money on stupid.

    October 14, 2013 at 8:42 AM

    I too, cannot believe some of the crap people say on here. Are they THAT conditioned to so readily admit defeat without even trying?

    Thankfully, there are those of us that do not listen to such hogwash.

    History was made yesterday. And this is just a sign of more to come.

    Those that are fat, lazy and stupid will be the first to be sacrificed, after they are used for whatever propaganda purposes are deemed necessary.

    Be careful not to associate with them or give them information. They will most certainly use it against you and turn others in.

    Try to educate them but be safe doing so.


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