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Sunday, October 20, 2013

Ocean City Eyes Pickup Truck Law Change

OCEAN CITY – The Town of Ocean City is considering outlawing passengers from riding in the back of pickup trucks.

According to Ocean City Police Lt. Scott Harner, on Oct. 1 the state enacted several laws to increase seatbelt usage by expanding the requirements under the law, and Harner proposed an ordinance to enact in Ocean City where passengers would be prohibited to ride in the unenclosed portion of a vehicle, such as the bed of a pickup truck.



  1. What? That screws us locals....those tourons ruin everything.

  2. What?, another effort by OC to make their own rules, and fine unsuspecting tourists. Name just one time it's been a problem, oh that's right, it hasn't been. The new chief hasn't done squat, and the blind just follow along. What about the serious crime everyone denied, oh, there's no crime.

  3. Well it's about time! Way overdue.... Hit them with a 1000$ fine. It's not safe especially the way you locals with your stupid and useless lifted trucks that obviously never see dirt like to drive thinking the rest of us are impressed... We aren't ...

  4. If you refer to yourself as a local, you're not.

  5. 8:44, agree 100% and I'm a local.

  6. long overdue...IDIOT kids ARE STONED....SAFETY???

  7. another law, and opinions, based on "what ifs". Chicken little doesn't have anyone over you guys. Am I next going to have to wear a seat belt while sitting in my computer chair?

  8. @11:26 You were an idiot kids once. Don't be so quick to pass judgement.

  9. Pass the law. No passengers in the back of a pickup truck. Also, start enforing the law against loud illegal mufflers.

  10. This should be a law for the entire state. Frankly I am surprised it isn't, make it apply to animals too

  11. Talk about police state. Again they show its easier to collect fines than to actually go after crime.

  12. The average commenter age on this site must be 70 years old and above. You people worry about the strangest things. What's the difference between the back of a pick-up and a motorcycle? Nothing.


  13. If your not going to be able to
    ride in a unenclosed vehicle,
    than they will have to keep all
    Jeeps with their canvas tops out
    of OC.(or never remove the top)

  14. 8:30 There is difference between being in an open jeep, with SEATS and SEATBELTS... and being in an open truck bed, with no restraints.

    As a business owner, I can't even have employees ride without a seatbelt (OFF THE ROADS).

  15. People have been doing this for years. Little to no problems. How about this? --- leave us the hell alone. What are you people doing all day? Sitting around (on your front step) and trying to find something else to protect us from? And FINE us for? My God, will you politicians and know-it-alls PLEASE stop???????

  16. Humm,

    These are biased political pigs against a truck load of immigrants who visit the south end of town every summer weekend. We buy the fries, the popcorn, and ride rides like everyone else. There were numerous people run over in front of secrets last summer, and not a one of them fell out of a truck. Rick is running a racist city council.

  17. No loud mufflers.
    No persons in a open. P/ u truck.

  18. If there is a State law prohibiting it and Coastal Hwy is a State Hwy, the State Police can write a ticket to people who violate the State law. About the only thing to change with the enactment of an OC law would be the back and streets and of course OC gets another revenue stream. The reality though is that most visitors don't even realize they can "get away with this" in OC therefore it doesn't happen often enough to warrant a new local law on the books.

  19. Good Lord, doing the Hokey Pokey has probably resulted in more deaths! This is NOT a problem! I'm with Imclain on this one!

  20. I guess we will be needing seat belts on boats next. There sure are a lot of miserable people trying to make everyone else miserable.

    Whatever happened to live and let live? Minding one's own business? The golden rule?

    And some wonder why I don't like to be around people. Geesh.


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